Top suggestions for David Wojnarowicz Frog |
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- Whitney
Museum - Fran
Lebowitz - David Wojnarowicz
Documentary - Fire Belly Toad
Croaking - David Wojnarowicz
Aids - Jasper
Johns - Tim Daly
Film - Wojnarowicz
Trailer - Fran Lebowitz On David Letterman
- Lisa Robinson and
Fran Lebowitz - Karen
Finley - National Portrait Gallery
Presidents - Dave Chappelle
Zapped - Fire Bellied Toad
Setup - Al
Hirschfeld - Peter
Hujar - The Colbert Report
2010 - Weight of
the Earth - Jasper Johns Philadelphia
Museum of Art - Wineville Chicken
Murders - Butterflies in
My Stomach - Whitney Museum
of American Art - Fran Lebowitz Martin
Scorsese - Claes
Oldenburg - Feeding Fire Bellied
Toads - Nick Carver
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