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- Andrew Lancel
Singing - Andrew Lancel
Awerds 2012 - Andrew Lancel
Interview - Andrew Lancel
Actor - Andrew Lancel
The Bill - Andrew Lancel
Coronation Street - Andrew
TMI - Andrew Lancel
Movies and TV Shows - Danny
Miller - Jane
Danson - Andrew
Scott Drawing - Andrew
Hall Actor - Katherine
Kelly 2012 - Hollyoaks 2005
Episodes - Killarney
Rea - Brookside
TV Series - Bill and Ben
TV Series - Alison
King - Liverpool
TV Series - ITV Coronation
Street - The Bill Alex
Walkinshaw - Pam St.
Clement - Gillian
Kearney - Adelphi Hotel
Isle of Man - Liverpool
One - Hollyoaks
Awards - Samantha Janus
Liverpool 1 - Coronation
Street Peter - Liverpool Televison
Plays - Andrew
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