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Army -
- Army
Recruiter - Army
Recruitment - Fort Benning
1969 - Cadet
Command - ROTC Scholarship
Board - AMEDD
- Army Recruiter
Office - BOLC Quartermaster
Army - USMC
Recruiting - USAREC
68Q - Fort Benning
GA - Army Futures
Command - Army OCS Graduation
Fort Benning - United States Army
Reserve - Fort Lee
Army - Tactical Flight Officer
Training - Military Recruiting
Office Locations - Fort Benning Change
of Command - How to Join the
U.S. Army - Ft. Benning
1969 - U.S. Army
Recruiter - Ft. Benning Basic
Training 1969 - Beretta 682
Shotgun - Fort Benning Ranger
Graduation - Tripler Army Medical
Center - Navy ROTC
Universities - Canadian Forces Military
Police Academy - Commander
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