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- Herman Brix
Tarzan - Joan
Barclay - Herman Brix
Tarzan Movies - Herman Brix
Tarzan Captured - Tarzan
1938 - Mike Henry Tarzan Actor Biography
- Herman Brix
Tarzan Chapter 6 White Fangs - Tarzan
1935 - Tarzan and the Green
Goddess - Bruce Bennett
Movies - The New Adventures
of Tarzan - Lex
Barker - Classic Tarzan
Movies - Old Cliffhanger
Serials - Lone Ranger
1938 - The Red Circle
Movie - Tarzan the Epic Adventures
Episode 1 - Two Seconds Edward
G. Robinson - Tarzan and the
Trappers Film - Tarzan 1985
Full Movie - Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan - Tarzan's Magic Fountain
1949 Movie - Tarzan King
of the Jungle
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