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ENFINIA™ Plasmid DNA Synthesis | Custom Plasmid Synthesis
SponsoredENFINIA™ Plasmid DNA with highly complex insert sequences to 15 kb. Available Now. Get the speed, length, & complexity of our Linear DNA, now available as a cloned plasmid.High Complexity Sequences · Manufactured in USA · 99.999% Per Base Accuracy
Types: Events, Literature, Privacy Policy and moreUnderstanding Plasmid Purity - Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
SponsoredAchieve rapid isolation and purification of genomic and plasmid DNA. Buy Now. Extract high-quality DNA w/ excellent reproducibility for molecular biology experiments.3-Step Quick Ordering · One site. 70,000 products · Trained & Dedicated Staff
Types: KingFisher™, TRIzol, Dynabeads, Invitrogen™, BindIt, MagMAX, HulaMixer®Transfection Reagents | OriGene | Official Site
SponsoredBroad range of transfection reagents for different gene formats - DNA & RNA. CRISPR, Lentivirus. Affordable Prices!Types: cDNA Clones, Primary Antibodies, Proteins, RNAi, Vectors