Tompkins Square Park : NYC Parks
This popular park in the middle of the East Village is a perfect centerpiece for its eclectic neighborhood, which houses artists, radicals, fashion lovers, and those who have lived in the neighborhood for decades and witnessed its many changes.
Tompkins Square Park Highlights - NYC Parks
The outdoor pool at Tompkins Square Park is currently closed due to construction. Visit our Capital Project Tracker for updates on the project's progress.
Tompkins Square Park Events - NYC Parks
The outdoor pool at Tompkins Square Park is currently closed due to construction. Visit our Capital Project Tracker for updates on the project's progress.
Tompkins Square Park Monuments - Temperance Fountain : NYC …
The erection of the Temperance Fountain in Tompkins Square Park resulted from Cogswell’s affiliation with the Moderation Society, which was formed in 1877 to address health conditions on the Lower East Side, and to distribute free ice-water fountains to encourage citizens to drink water instead of alcoholic beverages. Cogswell served as the ...
Tompkins Square Park Highlights - Slocum Memorial Fountain
The Slocum Memorial Fountain by sculptor Bruno Louis Zimm was donated by the Sympathy Society of German Ladies and installed in Tompkins Square Park, a central feature of the neighborhood.
Tompkins Square Park Dog-friendly Areas : NYC Parks
Dog Runs: Dog runs are large, fenced-in areas for dogs to exercise unleashed during park hours. Designated Off-Leash Areas: Some park areas allow dogs to be off leash from the time the park opens until 9:00 a.m. and from 9:00 p.m. until the park closes.
Tompkins Square Park : NYC Parks
This popular park in the middle of the East Village is a perfect centerpiece for its eclectic neighborhood, which houses artists, radicals, fashion lovers, and those who have lived in the neighborhood for decades and witnessed its many changes.
Tompkins Square Park - New York City Department of Parks
Nov 16, 2024 · This It's My Park season, volunteer with Friends of Tompkins Square Park to plant spring bulbs, compost, mulch, weed, water and clean up at Tompkins Square Park. We look forward to cleaning up the park with you!
Tompkins Square Park Field House Reconstruction : NYC Parks
Jan 29, 2025 · This project will reconstruct the field house in Tompkins Square Park. Project Notes Due to COVID related impacts, this project may have experienced schedule delays.
Tompkins Square Park Outdoor Pools : NYC Parks
The outdoor pool at Tompkins Square Park is currently closed due to construction. Visit our Capital Project Tracker for updates on the project's progress. Pool Details