"Use" vs. "usage" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jan 3, 2013 · Examples would be: ‘The English language is in common use around the world’ , ‘I put my keyboard to good use’. For the noun ‘ usage ’ the basic dictionary definition can look …
"The use of" vs. "using" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Apr 27, 2014 · I am unsure if I can use this two forms interchangeably (simplified sentences): We did that, hence using the object is the only way. We did that, hence the use of the object is the …
use vs. used what is the correct usage? [duplicate]
Oct 27, 2015 · I am trying to find out if this question is correct. Did Wang Bo used to be awkward? Should I write "use to be" instead of "used to be," or is "used to be" correct in this sentence?
What is the difference between use and usage?
Apr 20, 2020 · Can use and usage be written interchangeably? Does use include usage under its scope? Does usage has more specific meaning attached to it? If there is any difference, tell …
"With use of" vs. "with the use of" - English Language & Usage …
Dec 30, 2014 · I suspect you solve problems (generically) by appropriate use of available tools. When you solve a specific problem, you do so by a particular use of those tools. When your …
"Use of" vs "Use for" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jun 15, 2020 · She has no use of the book I gave her. She has no use for the book I gave her. Which one is grammatically correct and why?
When to use "use" and when to use "utilize" in a sentence?
This comment in ‘The Cambridge Guide to English Usage’ is as good as any: . . . for some writers utilize still connotes something more than use, i.e. the implication that a resource has been …
“Only use” vs “use only” - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jan 13, 2022 · Would one say they “typically only use public transportation” or “typically use only public transportation” inverting the order ? This is to settle an argument between my friends.
word choice - Using "utilize" instead of "use"? - English Language ...
Apr 6, 2011 · My friend has been raising a ruckus about the abuse of the word "utilize" in place of the word "use." He complains that it just makes your sentences sound pretentious. u·ti·lize …
grammar - When to use "this" or "that"? - English Language
Apr 6, 2015 · Or the use of this when it is in relationship to "my" and of "that" when it is in relationship to "your". But in a lot of cases there is no distinction between two things at …