meaning - "They're not" vs. "they aren't" - English Language
"They're not" vs. "they aren't" [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 14 years ago. Modified 12 years, 10 months ago.
Using "aren't they"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jun 11, 2015 · Using "aren't they"? [closed] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Modified 9 years, 9 months ago.
grammar - "You aren't in" vs. "You're not in" - English Language ...
At wordreference.com one poster rants against "we aren't, they aren't, you aren't etc.; while another writes: "We're not going stresses the not. We aren't going does not stress anything"; and a third argues by analogy with I'm not being preferred to I amn't or I ain't.
Another word for pretending to be something they're not
Jan 14, 2021 · What do you call someone who pretends to be something they are not? I was thinking "pretentious" but I looked up pretentious in the Merriam dictionary and think it's too strong. I want a milder term. Something that does not connote arrogance. 1.) self-consciously trying to present an appearance of grandeur or importance
Is "they aren't playing THAT GOOD BASEBALL" grammatical?
Sep 9, 2016 · I heard an announcer the other day chide a struggling team by saying, "They're not playing that good baseball right now." This doesn't sound grammatical, but my ears have deceived me before. Of course you could say instead, "They haven't been playing well of late," but I want to know if the first statement is grammatical as is.
Is this usage of "aren't" proper English?
To start a question with aren't is perfectly acceptable. Using the negation in some questions can give to the question a different meaning, and the question could be interpreted as a suggestion. Aren't you going inside? — The suggestion is to go inside. Didn't you mean to call Frank? - The suggestion is to call Frank.
formality - Is "You're not" or "You aren't" better for contraction ...
Nov 27, 2021 · Why aren’t electrons in our atoms suffering from decoherence? How can you efficiently cluster speech segments by speaker? Is 223.1.2/24 (sic) correct way to label a subnet?
One of us is wrong, aren't we? - English Language & Usage Stack …
Jun 18, 2014 · They use the we to mean you in the same way the we is used as you in One of us is wrong, aren't we? which really means One of us is wrong, aren't you? Tip : Never answer the policeman's question with I don't know, have you been in The Bull and Bush sinking pints for the last eight hours too? , sarcasm only works one way with the police.
"We're not" vs. "we aren't" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Mar 5, 2012 · Well, since they do mean the same thing, I would think that they are generally interchangeable. Both are grammatically valid, but there is one reason to use one over the other; if you are trying to increase the emphasis on one word, don't contract it. For example, if I am trying to emphasize the fact that we're not [something]: We're not criminals.
negation - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
May 4, 2020 · When asking a question in English, it's common to use the contraction "don't" or "aren't." At the same time, though, you can also use "do not" and "are not" For example, you can say "Aren't you coming to the party?" and you can say "Are you not coming to the party?"