Hendey tie-bar lathe question - Antique Engines
Jul 30, 2019 · The lathe in question is a Hendey tie-bar lathe early 1900's 14 x 6. There is a chain drive from the spindle to lead screw gearing.:shrug: There should have been an intermediate feed gear that is not there. The chain looks like a timing chain off an auto engine. Was this a …
Onan: Airpax breaker selection - Antique Engines
Jan 19, 2025 · Adding a tie bar does not make this into a double pole breaker. On a double pole breaker, it is NOT the tie bar that causes the "other" pole to trip when the first is overloaded. The breakers are mechanically connected together internally so that a trip on either will trigger the trip mechanism, which is NOT the same as the handle, to trip on ...
Onan: Onan 6.5NHDFB Generator Output wires Color Code
Aug 4, 2024 · I would not depend on a pair of breakers to trip both with only a tie bar. It is possible for one to trip, and not the other; I have had that happen. Proper way is to get a real double-pole breaker with internal tie mechanism; they are not hard to find on E-Bay, and other places. For 240V you will need to replace the single pole, 120V breakers ...
Onan: I Bought an 8 kW... Generac... - Antique Engines
Jun 10, 2020 · This is a big issue for us in datacenters, because we run a lot of "full boat" circuits running three seperate 120v circuits. I've taken to marking them all as "special purpose" (triangle in a circle symbol on the plans), then not using a tie bar on the breakers and telling the inspector it's all under engineering supervision and to F off.
How To Tie Two 200 amp Panels Together - Antique Engines
May 7, 2012 · The tie wire between panels is actually number 4, memory not always so good. As mentioned, on each end of that wire will be breakers, in this case, 90 amp. I had planned on checking continuity from the meter to each leg on the tie for proper line up before energizing.
Simplex RR jacks | Smokstak® Antique Engine Community*
May 17, 2006 · The track jacks we used at our railroad museum (sometimes incorrectly called wagon jacks) were just as mentioned. They will lift 15 tons, but have no provision for slowly lowering the load. We would lift both sides of the track to replace a tie, then everyone cleared back while the two "jack operators" repositioned the release catch inside the ...
cant get the rotor off.. honda eb5000x - Antique Engines
Nov 19, 2013 · The end of the rotor is threaded for removal. Honda makes a special puller, but you don't need it. Find a bolt that screws into the threaded area, then cut a piece of bar stock so it's about a half inch shorter than the bore of the rotor. Then, use it and the bolt to press against the crank and pull it off the taper.
home made line boring | Smokstak® Antique Engine Community*
Jun 5, 2013 · thanks for reply it can be done honed to size and in your back yard !!there was a guy in an old issueof gas engine magazine that used a rigid pipe threading machine as power source and got excellent results too.!!on you tube there is a video with the doing the same on locomotives.where I work they use a homemade boring rig to bore out bearing housings 8-10 …
John Deere gang plow | Smokstak® Antique Engine Community*
Jun 5, 2013 · There is a tie rod assy between the furrow wheel and the LH land wheel. The draw-chain pulls the tie rod assy. somehow. That is how my 8 bottom JD is. I will try to post a picture or two when I get them. I'll be near the plow on the weekend and hope to get a few close ups.:shrug: It is 130 miles away from me now.
Miller bluestar 2E tecumseh OH160 - Antique Engines
Aug 11, 2019 · See the wire coming south out of the round circle? That's indicating that the other end of the solenoid coil is GROUNDED. whatever solenoid you use, must have one side grounded. A lawn-tractor solenoid might be internally grounded, and it may have two terminals... if the latter, then put wire 22 on one terminal, and tie the other terminal to ...