LF: Meloetta FT: Many Event Pokemon
Feb 5, 2023 · Hey there guys! I'm pretty new here and have been on a Meloetta hunt for months. I have many pokemon to offer such as: Palkia Shiny Palkia Reshiram Kel...
[TRADE] trading store! - pokemonforever.com
#1 Oct 7, 2015, 05:12 PM shiny section: fearow jirachi pikachu charizard metagross feraligatr glaceon ditto non-shiny section: victini garchomp palkia uxie azelf heatran regirock kyogre …
[REQUEST] Lf: Batltle Ready Victini lv 100 - pokemonforever.com
Shiny non legends: Crobat lv 47 Rogenrola lv 21 Magikarp lv 100 and thats it.. Legends non shiny: Palkia lv 50 and then Shiny legends: Deoxys lv 100 Genesect lv 1oo and that it …
[REQUEST] im lookin for shinys heres what i have to offer
the shinys dont have to be competitve gender doesnt matter neither does level heres what i got to trade deoxys palkia kyogre yveltal giratina rayqauza zygarde landorus regigigas zekrom …
LF Events: Event Milotic,Delibird,Gyarados,Kyogre,Sabyleye and …
May 20, 2016 · What Im not looking for are 6Gen Mythical Pokemons. I can offer Manaphy E4ALL, SMR2013 shiny Palkia-Dialga-Giratina, Fall2010 Mew, JPN Shiny Yveltal+Xerneas …
Need palkia for giratina - pokemonforever.com
(May 28, 2016, 07:50 PM)MysticTrainer312 Wrote: I can help you out with that but I'm need my palkia back please. All i ask in return is for a froakie the thing is that im going to soft reset for a …
LF: Shiny Poipole FT: Events randon shinys - pokemonforever.com
I havedialga/palkia codes, marshadows, darkrai, hat pikachus, target charizard, shilly silvally, and other random stuff. can do 2 for 1. I would prefer the japanese shiny event Poipole
FT: Shiny Hariyama
Aug 9, 2016 · FS is a 1/512, same as Masuda method + Shiny Charm. However, SC has no effect on FS As for an offer, how's about a Palkia? You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter …
[TRADE] [CLOSED] National Living Dex / Shiny Charm
Sep 5, 2015 · Update: The pokemon I will need to do trade-backs with are [some are event pokemon and may not be needed for the Shiny Charm, but completed National dex of all …
LF Lunar Magikarp codes and WORLD16 starters, FT Events and …
Here's a list of the events I have: PGL LV.10 Delibird Aldora ENG Moltres and articuno Galileo shiny Rayquaza JPN Aldora Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos GF Darkrai, Mew, Celebi, …