SALTY THE SIX SALTY 6 DID YOU KNOW? These six popular foods can add high levels of sodium to your diet. Compare labels whenever possible and choose options with the lower amounts of added sugars, sodium and saturated fat and no trans fat and look out for the Heart-Check mark, a simple tool to help you eat smart. When you see it, you can be ...
Photo | AHA Salty Six Infographic | American Heart Association
This is the American Heart Association's Salty Six Infographic highlighting six popular foods that can add high levels of sodium to your diet. They are bread and rolls, cold cuts, cured meat, pizza, poultry, soup, and sandwiches.
salty may contain a lot of sodium as well. A can of corn has 1,000mg sodium–2/3 of daily recommended intake. 3 small slices of canned meat has up to 1,000-2,000mg. PRESERVED FOODS Chinese sausage, Chinese BBQ meats, preserved eggs/vegetables s Not only are many preserved foods high in sodium, they are also high in
4 5 6 COLD CUTS & CURED MEATS One 2 oz. serving, or 6 thin slices, of deli meat can contain as much as half of your daily recommended dietary sodium. Look for lower-sodium varieties of your favorite lunch meats. A sandwich or burger from a fast food restaurant can contain more than 100 percent of your daily suggested dietary sodium. Try half a
• Kids’ preferences for salty-tasting foods can be shaped early in life. • Parents and caregivers can help lower sodium by influencing how foods are produced, purchased, prepared and served. BREADS &ROLLS PIZZA FOODS THAT ADD THE MOST SODIUM TO THE DIET, AGES 6-18: The sodium kids eat comes from every meal and snack: 1 2
One of the first steps is learning about the Salty 6. These are six popular foods that can add high levels of sodium to your diet.” Ask someone to read the bullets. Then ask: “Did any of the foods on the list surprise you? Some of them may have because they may not even taste salty.” Reference the “Salty 6 Infographic” handout. 11
7 Salty Sodium Myths Busted Infographic - American Heart …
Dec 18, 2024 · 7 Salty Sodium Myths Busted Infographic Myth: Eliminate sodium completely for good health. Sodium is an essential nutrient that controls blood pressure and is needed to make nerves and muscles work properly, but you need the right amount.
17 Infographic – Salty Six Adults – Eastern States Blog
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KNOW THE SALTY 6 Common foods that may be loaded with excess sodium: 1 Breads & Rolls 2 Cold Cuts & Cured Meats 3 Pizza 4 Poultry 5 Soup 6 Sandwiches Choose wisely, read nutrition labels & watch portion control. FACE FEEL PUFFY? JEANS FIT TIGHTER? In weeks you can: • Change your sodium palate & • Start enjoying foods with less sodium
Sodium Swap - Change Your Salty Ways in 21 Days Infographic
Nov 5, 2024 · On average, American adults eat more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium daily - more than double the American Heart Association's recommended limit of 1,500 milligrams. Find out how you can change your sodium palate, start enjoying foods with less sodium, reduce bloating in …