Dahlia 'Onesta' - White Flower Farm
Dahlia 'Onesta' showcases multiple layers of broad, rich pink petals that are held flat, giving the effect of Water Lilies. A colorful addition to the summer garden, these exquisite blooms are also lovely floating in a bowl of water.
Dahlia Waterlily Onesta - 2 tubers - Longfield Gardens
A rose-pink dahlia with elegant, waterlily-style flowers that measure 4-5” across. Onesta grows just 3-feet tall, so there’s no need for staking. Perfect for mixing into perennial beds and growing in large patio planters.
Onesta Dahlia - Breck's Flower Bulbs
4 inch dahlia flowers with water lily like form and lovely, bubblegum pink petals! Bloom from midsummer to first frost. Great for containers, borders, edging.
Onesta - Oregon Dahlia Company
A beautiful princess pink waterlily dahlia, Onesta has nice flat petals making it a perfect double flower. Makes for great cut flowers or a little bit of brightness in your garden. Plant height is 4’. Blooms size is 4-5”. Great cut flower variety.
Dahlia White Onesta | Dahlia Tubers - DutchGrown
An absolutely stunning Waterlily Dahlia, the 'White Onesta' boasts creamy white petals with a lime center. This variety is compact and perfect for flower beds or borders. If you love a white garden then you absolutely must try this one.
Dahlia 'Onesta' (Onesta Dahlia) — Northwest Blooms
Dahlia 'Onesta' is an elegant variety with soft light pink blossoms that carry subtle purple undertones, giving the flowers a delicate, sophisticated appearance. The 4-5 inch blooms are smooth and rounded.
Buy Onesta Dahlia Order Now! – Bijaseeds
4 inch dahlia flowers with water lily like form and lovely, bubblegum pink petals! Bloom from midsummer to first frost. Great for containers, borders, edging.
Dahlia Onesta Bulbs | Peter Nyssen | Buy Flower Bulbs and Plants …
Onesta is an excellent for cut flower. Looks lovely planted in groups or mixed trough hardy perennial plants in shades of plums, purples, pinks greens and white and why not be a little daring by adding a dash of apricot-orange. Other products you …
Dahlia 'White Onesta' - Sarah Raven
Buy Dahlia 'White Onesta' from Sarah Raven: A lovely pure white dahlia with a lemon-lime centre. A great performer that produces flowers all summer long.
Buy Summer's Finest Dahlia Mix Online | K. van Bourgondien
This K van Bourgondien exclusive mixture includes four lush, fully double Dahlia varieties in a range of soft, summery colors. Our Dutch experts chose delicate pink Sweet Surprise, White Onesta, soft lilac Blue Boy and lavender-purple Stolze von Berlin for this mix.