OBSTRUCTING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
OBSTRUCTING definition: 1. present participle of obstruct 2. to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can…. Learn more.
OBSTRUCT Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of OBSTRUCT is to block or close up by an obstacle. How to use obstruct in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Obstruct.
OBSTRUCTION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
OBSTRUCTION definition: 1. something that blocks a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it, or the…. Learn more.
OBSTRUCT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
OBSTRUCT definition: 1. to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it, or to prevent…. Learn more.
OBSTRUCTION Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of OBSTRUCTION is the state of being obstructed; especially : a condition of being clogged or blocked. How to use obstruction in a sentence.
Obstructing - definition of obstructing by The Free Dictionary
1. to block or close up with an obstacle: Debris obstructed the road. 2. to hinder, interrupt, or delay the passage, progress, course, etc., of. 3. to block from sight; be in the way of (a view, …
OBSTRUCT definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
To obstruct someone or something means to make it difficult for them to move forward by blocking their path. A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded …
OBSTRUCT definition in American English - Collins Online …
If something obstructs a road or path, it blocks it, stopping people or vehicles getting past. A knot of black and white cars obstructed the intersection. To obstruct someone or something means …
Obstruct Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
OBSTRUCT meaning: 1 : to block (something, such as a pipe or street) so that things cannot move through easily; 2 : to slow or block the movement, progress, or action of (something or …
Obstruction - definition of obstruction by The Free Dictionary
obstruction - something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted; "lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement"; "the poverty of a …