Questions about Ion Cubes : r/subnautica - Reddit
Feb 20, 2018 · Two blue tablets are required in the final area, but only one can be found in the ILZ so you need to craft the second one with an ion cube. Two ion cubes are required in the final area to progress the story. One to activate a certain machine, then one to activate a gate.
Are ion cubes useful? : r/subnautica - Reddit
Jan 18, 2023 · Any extras can be used to build more ion batteries/ion power cells for your tools, seaglide, vehicles, whatever. They just hold a LOT more power than the regular ones. It's 1 gold, 1 silver, and 1 cube per battery. 2 batteries + rubber for each power cell. There are 26 naturally occurring cubes spread across the game. More than enough.
is it possible to find more ion cubes? : r/subnautica - Reddit
Ion Cubes are found in most alien bases. Keep playing the story and you'll be led to one. Don't worry about wasting them, as you'll find a renewable source late in the game.
r/subnautica on Reddit: [SPOILERS] Where can I find ion cubes …
Aug 25, 2021 · Just trying to build ion power cells for the Neptune, but without a prawn suit to drill the large resources, ion cubes are a very limited finite resource and I think I've screwed up and left myself one short with no more purple tablets.
How to recharge ion cube? : r/Subnautica_Below_Zero - Reddit
Apr 21, 2021 · A subreddit for everything related to Subnautica: Below Zero, a survival and underwater exploration game developped by Unknown Worlds Entertainment.
How do I use creative inventory? [no spoilers] : r/subnautica
Nov 2, 2020 · So I’m looking to get a ion cube and it will only show me blueprints. I’m also not able to go back home to use the fabricator. I’m just looking to spawn a ion cube in front of me. How do I do that?
Is it worth powering alien arches? : r/subnautica - Reddit
My understanding is that to power it, we need to insert an ion cube, effectively making that ion cube inaccessible for crafting (e.g., ion power cells, etc). Is powering the arches worth sacrificing a potential ion power cell? So far I've only found the mountain island master arch. Is there anything to be gained by opening a gateway between mountain island and floater island?
info needed: near the end of the game : r/subnautica - Reddit
Feb 13, 2023 · Otherwise, the easiest place to get ion cubes is probably the sparse reef cache (there are 6 of them in a cave near the tall wreck on the edge of sparse reef). You'll find one ion cube in the alien thermal plant. You'll want to use that to activate the portal there in the plant.
Where to insert the ion cube? : r/subnautica - Reddit
Dec 4, 2022 · Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero are open world underwater exploration and construction games developed by Unknown Worlds Entertainment.
Is there a way to get infinite ion cubes? : r/Subnautica_Below_Zero
Jun 15, 2021 · Is there a way to get infinite ion cubes? I just got the ion cube recipe (also please don't spoil) and I am wondering if I should conserve my ion cubes/do I need them for story, or is there an infinite way to get ion cubes?