Genetic resources - Wikipedia
Genetic resources are genetic material of actual or potential value, where genetic material means any material of plant, animal, microbial or other origin containing functional units of heredity. [1] Genetic resources is one of the three levels of biodiversity defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity in Rio, 1992.
Genetic Resources
Feb 14, 2025 · Genetic Resources is an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing original research, reviews, short communications and other articles on plant and animal genetic resources, serving stakeholders within and across domains.
Genetic Resource - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Genetic resources are the fundamental building blocks or raw materials for all the food we eat, and dozens of examples have demonstrated the value of exotic genetic resources (crop wild relatives or landraces) in conferring pest or disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, quality, and other traits in crop improvement (Pimentel et al., 1997 ...
Sep 22, 2005 · Genetic Resources is a term for those plants and animals that are used by people or are of potential value. It includes, for example, all plants used as foods and medicines, forestry trees, and ornamentals. It includes their wild relatives, which are vital to plant breeders as a source of attributes such as resistance to pests and diseases.
Genetic resources - Food and Agriculture Organization of the ...
Genetic resources for food and agriculture are the raw materials upon which the world relies to improve the productivity and quality of domesticated plant and animal populations, as well as to maintain healthy populations of wild species, including those used in forestry and fisheries.
Genetic Resources - WIPO
Genetic and other biological resources constitute unique subject matter for IP protection ever since IP systems began to protect innovation in the modern life sciences, as early as the mid1970s. They include, for example, microorganisms, plant varieties, animal breeds, genetic sequences, nucleotide and amino acid sequence information, traits ...
Genetic resources definition - Biodiversity A-Z
Genetic resources are important to humans because they provide a pool of genetic diversity that has commercial value and promotes food security. The fair and equitable use of genetic resources is one the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is covered by Article 15 of the Convention.