The Charity Commission - GOV.UK
We register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence. The Charity Commission is a non-ministerial department.
Search the charity register - GOV.UK
Search the charity register to find details of registered charities in England and Wales including contact information, activities, latest financial reports and current trustees.
Charity Commission online services: sign in or set up an ...
Sep 11, 2019 · Access to our online services has changed. Set up or sign into your new My Charity Commission Account.
Search the register of charities
Enter charity name, charity number or search for words in charity objects, activities or classifications.
Charity Commission for England and Wales - Wikipedia
The Charity Commission for England and Wales is a non-ministerial department of His Majesty's Government that regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the …
My Charity Commission Account
Sep 27, 2024 · The result was the launch of My Charity Commission Account (MCCA). This is a new way for charities to access our online services, offering each trustee or authorised …
About the register of charities
The Charity Commission for England and Wales API lets you retrieve information about charities. The data returned is live and real-time, and is simple to use and understand. Go to our new...
About the Charity Commission for England and Wales
We are the Charity Commission. We register and regulate charities in England and Wales and maintain the charity register. With over 168,000 charities registered across England and Wales …