Sleepwear Chapter 1: One Bed, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction
"H-Hey, morning, Sakura-chan," muttered Naruto, who still acted as Mr. Sleepyhead as he stretched and groaned. "We missed curfew, get up!" She was already out of bed and digging in her bag for last night's attire. Sitting up, and with a grimace, Naruto asked, "Sakura-chan, did you sleep in your underwear?"
Sakura's bed, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction
Naruto's head spun around and looked at the person who spoke to him. When his eyes met the other man's, he kept his gaze for a second before he slowly turned his head forward to once again stare at the bed. "Yeah….." he muttered. Naruto heard footsteps, and knew the man was slowly making his way behind him.
Naruto characters in bed mode - YouTube
Feb 22, 2023 · Naruto characters in bed mode#anime #naruto #hinata #sakura #sasuke #kakashi #bed
sleeping arrangements - Naruto [Archive of Our Own]
Sakura was already lying in bed, covers up around her hips, writing out their mission report. Naruto could see her grimacing as she tried to find the best way to describe the catastrophe in the most neutral terms possible.
sakura with naruto in bed - YouTube
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Sakura's Bedroom - FanFiction
SUMMARY: As childhood friends, two people should stay with each other right? But Sakura was wrong when Uchiha Sasuke left her for America. And what happens when his brother Uchiha Itachi falls in love with the geeky best friend of his baby brother?
Come into my bed Faceless Stranger - Chapter 1 - Pleasedial123 - Naruto …
The ANBU on her bed moaned, trying to buck into her, but Sakura had tied her ropes tight enough. He was pinned to her bed, fully armoured and fully clothed except where his pants were pushed down to let his cock free.
Stay in bed! - Saku015 - Naruto [Archive of Our Own]
A low voice asked and Sakura was pulled back into the bed. Her blush only deepened as she felt the other body being pressed against her back and felt that knowing grin on his neck. Sasuke was totally aware how embarrassed she was.
Sleeping Habits, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction
When Sakura first started sharing a bed with Naruto and Sasuke, she learned a few, inarguably, valuable facts. She learned that boys smelled – smelled like old socks rotting in a garbage can – and that it wasn't smart to lie face to face next to someone. It wasn't smart because if you did, you'd end up having a person's morning breath all over you.
An Unexpected Cuddle Session by Azores-1994 on DeviantArt
Jun 2, 2021 · Haruno Sakura, having entered the apartment to wake up her teammate, finds herself being a surprise cuddle partner for a slumbering Uzumaki Naruto, who is unconsciously enjoying his new body pillow, as Yamanaka Ino, who stumbled upon the comical scene, films the whole incident for her own amusement.