Mainz - Wikipedia
Mainz (German: ⓘ; see below) is the capital and largest city of the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, and with around 223,000 inhabitants, [3] it is Germany's 35th-largest city.
Mainz - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mainz (Palatine German: Määnz or Meenz, (Latin: Mogontiacum) is a German city. It is the capital of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Mainz is on the left side of the river Rhine, on the right side is the city Wiesbaden. Mainz has about 203,000 people. Its main economic product is wine.
Timeline of Mainz - Wikipedia
The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Mainz, Germany. 314 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Mainz established (approximate date). [3] 406 - Battle of Mainz (406). 790s - Benedictine St. Alban's Abbey active (approximate date). 813 - Carolingian rhine bridge (Mainz) Rheinbrücke Karls des Großen [de] (bridge) burns down.
Mainz – Wikipédia
Mainz (slovenský historický názov alebo čes. Mohuč) je veľkomesto, mesto bez okresu, hlavné a najväčšie mesto v spolkovej krajine Porýnie-Falcko v Nemecku. Nachádza sa na opačnej strane toku rieky Mohan do Rýna.
University of Mainz - Wikipedia
The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (German: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) is a public research university in Mainz, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany. It is named after the printer Johannes Gutenberg since 1946.
Mainz - Wikipedia
Mainz (ajutor·info) (latină Mogontiacum, franceză Mayence, în trecut denumit în română Maiența) este un oraș în Germania, reședința landului Renania-Palatinat, cu o populație de aprox. 200.000 de locuitori.
Mainz – Wikipedija
Mainz je grad u Njemačkoj, središte njemačke savezne pokrajine Porajnje i Falačka. Nalazi se na lijevoj obali rijeke Rajne. Godine 2008. u gradu je živjelo 196.784 stanovnika. Grad su Rimljani osnovali 13. pr. Kr. pod imenom Moguntiacum ili Mogontiacum. Mainz je …
Mainz – Wikipedia
Mainz (anhören ⓘ /?) (lateinisch Mogontiacum) ist die Landeshauptstadt des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz und mit 222.889 Einwohnern [1] zugleich dessen größte Stadt. Mainz ist kreisfrei, eines der fünf rheinland-pfälzischen Oberzentren und Teil des Rhein-Main-Gebiets.
Mainz - Wikimedia Commons
Sep 14, 2024 · Historical map of Mainz, an old map with surroundings. → 1914 map.
Mainz – Wikipedia
Mainz on Rheinland-Pfalzin osavaltion pääkaupunki läntisessä Saksassa. Vuoden 2011 väestönlaskennassa siellä oli 200 344 asukasta. [1] Mainz sijaitsee Reinin varrella muodostaen kaksoiskaupungin joen toisella puolella Hessenissä sijaitsevan Wiesbadenin kanssa.