Pectoralis minor muscle: Origin, insertion and action | Kenhub
Aug 31, 2022 · The pectoralis minor muscle is one of the most superficial muscles on the anterior aspect of the chest or thoracic wall, located deep only to the pectoralis major muscle. It is one of the anterior axioappendicular (thoracoappendicular) muscles, together with the pectoralis major, subclavius and serratus anterior .
Pectoralis Minor - Physiopedia
The pectoralis minor is triangular in shape and is located under the pectoralis major, and both form the anterior wall of the axilla. It originates from the margins of the third to fifth ribs adjacent to the costochondral junction.
Pectoralis minor - Wikipedia
Pectoralis minor muscle (/ ˌpɛktəˈrælɪs ˈmaɪnər /) is a thin, triangular muscle, situated at the upper part of the chest, beneath the pectoralis major in the human body. It arises from ribs III-V; it inserts onto the coracoid process of the scapula. It is innervated by the medial pectoral nerve.
Muscles of the Pectoral Region - Major - Minor - TeachMeAnatomy
Sep 6, 2024 · There are three muscles that lie in the pectoral region and exert a force on the upper limb. They are the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and the serratus anterior. In this article, we shall learn about the anatomy of the muscles of the anterior chest.
Pectoralis Minor: Action, Origin, Insertion, & Innervation
May 5, 2023 · What is the pectoralis minor muscle & where is it located. Anatomy, attachments, antagonists, & functions of the muscle with diagram
Pectoralis minor syndrome: Test, symptoms and treatment
May 25, 2023 · Find out the route to diagnosis and all the anatomical considerations related to this case in this article. Supplies cutaneous sensation to the upper arm (superior half of the medial and posterior parts). It is also important in the referred pain from a myocardial infarction. After reviewing this case you should be able to describe the following:
Pectoralis Minor Muscle | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
Discover the role and anatomy of the pectoralis minor muscle, including its origin, insertion, and actions.
Pectoralis Minor - Attachments - Actions - TeachMeAnatomy
Oct 7, 2022 · The pectoralis minor is a muscle of the anterior chest wall. It lies underneath the larger pectoralis major and contributes to the anterior wall of the axilla. Attachments: Originates from the 3rd-5th ribs and inserts into the coracoid process of the scapula. Function: Stabilises the scapula by drawing it anteroinferiorly against the thoracic wall.
Pectoralis minor muscle - Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise
Apr 13, 2023 · Due to the structures below or deep within the muscle and its tendon, the pectoralis minor is an important clinical and surgical landmark. The blood supply to the upper limb and the nerves that run deep to the pectoralis minor muscle: the axillary artery and vein, as well as the posterior, lateral, and medial cords of the brachial plexus.
Medial Pectoral Nerve - Anatomy, Structure, Function
2 days ago · The medial pectoral nerve innervates the lower portion of the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor muscle, which contributes to the thoracic-brachial motion. The pectoralis major is the most superficial muscle in the pectoral region and is a fan-shaped muscle that runs across the upper chest from the shoulder to the sternum. The pectoralis ...