You are welcome/You are welcomed to ... | WordReference Forums
Nov 3, 2008 · I would agree that the idiom is the idiom. "You're welcome" [You are welcome] is the response to "Thank You" [I thank you]. That's just the way it is. But odd we can say "Much obliged" to describe one's position of gratitude but "You're welcomed" cannot mean that you are granted favour any time. We certainly can respond "Any time" to a "Thank you".
you will be welcome or you will be welcomed? - WordReference …
Jul 27, 2014 · When you visit our home someone will meet you and greet you 'with pleasure or courtesy'. (See welcome) There may be a significant difference, and I'll exaggerate to make the point. 'You will always be welcome.' We will be pleased that you have visited us in our new home and we will do our best to make sure that you have an enjoyable stay.
You're welcome. - WordReference Forums
Aug 18, 2004 · No tengo ni idea por q cuando traducimos you're welcome a español lo q significa es "Seas bienvenido" pero esta incorrecto si no de nada, pero para mi la unica explicacion es q es otro idioma y cuando vamos a prender hablar o escribir otro idoma tenemos q tratar de pensar en el idioma q vamos hablar no, en nuestro idioma por q si vamos a traducir la mayoria de las …
you are welcome - WordReference Forums
Oct 26, 2005 · hola a todos! esta pregunta es para alguien que estudie/haya estudiado etimología, aunque por supuesto todas las opiniones son bienvenidas! allá va: alguien me puede decir de dónde viene la expresión "you are wellcome" para decir "de nada" cuando alguién te ha dicho "gracias". ¿Cuándo se usa...
You are very welcome - WordReference Forums
Jul 24, 2014 · como sabes realmente un idioma no se traduce se interpreta..... you are welcome en realidad no quiere decir de nada solamente es una respuesta a la frase thank you..... you are very welcome es una frase utilizada para generar énfasis y una respuesta mas cordial por ejemplo en Colombia si tu dices gracias te responden de nada pero si realmente quiere …
You are welcomed/welcome to join us. | WordReference Forums
Aug 23, 2020 · Which is the correct way to say it? You are welcomed to join us whenever you want. You are welcome to join us whenever you want. Or as in This is an optional class and everyone from both shifts are welcome. This is an optional class and everyone from both shifts are welcomed. Thanks!
You are welcome. - WordReference Forums
Sep 18, 2013 · You y are son dos palabras, pues, claro!! You're (pero no te confundas con la gramática y por la gramática you y are son dos palabras distintas) aunque es muy correcto decir You're welcome. El inglés que hablamos es diferente de que se habla en los Estados Unidos y también el del Reino Unido y de Australia y de Sud de Africa y de Nueva Zelanda.
You are welcome! - WordReference Forums
Jan 24, 2007 · You cannot go wrong with "You are welcome." Young people here in the U.S.A reply to my "Thank you" with "No problem," which I object to however it is what they use between themselves. My point is that it depends on the person you are talking to. I have also used "You are most welcome." It carries a certain finess to it.
You are welcome to ask. - WordReference Forums
Jun 5, 2014 · "You are welcome to ask" makes perfect sense and is idiomatic. I probably shouldn't have said that my alternative was more idiomatic, but it is less formal and is something one hears all the time. (Incidentally, while there are some differences in Canadian English pronunciation and vocabulary--as there are from region to region in the U.S ...
You are most welcome. - WordReference Forums
Aug 13, 2015 · You are missing the point. There has never been any doubt that "You're welcome" or "You're most welcome" is an appropriate reply after someone says, "Thank you". In the original post Pirulo1234 says that he/she heard "You're most welcome" in a video in the context in which one person was welcoming another.