mathematicians - Why was Évariste Galois killed? - History of …
Jun 23, 2021 · A different theory according to the Évariste Galois Archive, particularly in their page regarding the duel, about the death of Galois is the following. The most likely reason is: He was weary of life, because of his unhappy love affair, his fruitless efforts for gaining recognition for his mathematical work, his financial and work situation ...
biographical details - What hair color did Évariste Galois have ...
Aug 5, 2021 · There is one historic black and white portrait of Évariste Galois that is often used [1]. However there are a number of more recent colorful portraits that imagine him to be anything from straw blond [2], things in between [3], brown [4] and black [5]. Is there any historical source that describes his hair color?
Did Evariste Galois create the entire group structure concept?
Oct 3, 2015 · Did Evariste Galois create the entire group structure concept? If yes, were "super-sets" of groups (e.g. rings or vector spaces) created on top of Galois's work?
Did Cauchy forget or lose mathematical papers aside from Abel's …
Nov 2, 2016 · Apparently, Cauchy did not even forget or lose at least the papers of Galois. This is yet another example of how E.T. Bell and his Men of Mathematics, for all its literary virtues, are unreliable historical sources. See What resources are available for lives of recent mathematicians besides E.T. Bell's Men of Mathematics? for more on E.T. Bell and his writing style. As for …
Continuation on Galois’ lost memoir (s): was Poisson right in his ...
Jul 13, 2021 · A recent question asked whether Galois’ “lost” memoir has been since recovered (similar to Abel’s lost memoir). The memoir referenced in the question is the one Galois submitted to the French “Acad...
mathematics - Lost memoir of Évariste Galois - History of Science …
Jun 20, 2021 · According to the Wikipedia article on Évariste Galois He submitted his memoir on equation theory several times, but it was never published in his lifetime due to various events. Though his first a...
mathematicians - Biography of Galois in English - History of …
See Rothman's Genius and Biographers: the Fictionalization of Evariste Galois, which dispels many anecdotes that accumulated around Galois's biography, in particular due to E.T. Bell's and Infeld's fiction, based on modern scholarship.
Questions tagged [galois] - Newest 'galois' Questions - History of ...
Did Evariste Galois create the entire group structure concept? If yes, were "super-sets" of groups (e.g. rings or vector spaces) created on top of Galois's work?
Galois quote about his refused work - History of Science and ...
On page 10 of this article (in Portuguese), I read that Galois used the following phrase when his memoirs weren't accepted by the French Academy of Sciences: Oh! Innocent cherubs! Could someone g...
mathematics - What is the most likely candidate for Galois' théorie …
Mar 15, 2025 · Although perhaps Galois' most original mathematical achievement, the théorie de l’ambiguïté is so vaguely described in his letters that nobody knows exactly what it is. But what is the most likely candidate?