One Piece - Eiichiro Oda Hilariously Reveals Zoro's Chest Size
Apr 4, 2022 · That's why one brave fan decided to reach out to Eiichiro Oda and ask about Roronoa Zoro's chest size. Not surprisingly, the mangaka had a hilarious response to the question!
One Piece Creator Just Divulged Zoro’s Most Important Asset
Apr 4, 2022 · This update went on to reveal the new rank of One Piece physiques, and Zoro just took a bold step ahead. Boa Hancock still leads the pack with a 111 cm bust which is nearly a solid 44-inches.
Roronoa Zoro/Gallery - One Piece Wiki
Zoro's possible appearances at ages 40 and 60 in two different timelines. A what-if illustration of Zoro if he had eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi from the sixth volume of One Piece Magazine . Zoro drawn by Kōhei Horikoshi , the author of My Hero Academia .
SBS Volume 102 | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Previously, I asked you guys a question about those stripes covering Robin's chest when she uses Gigante Fleur! I received various answers! Here are some of them!! D: That was the only scar I was able to leave that one time I fought Robin and she beat me to a …
One Piece: Eiichiro Oda revela las medidas del poderoso Roronoa Zoro
Aug 14, 2023 · Si creías que Nami y Nico Robin tenían las mejores medidas de todo One Piece, espera a conocer los datos que Eiichiro Oda acaba de revelar para aquellos fans de Zoro que deseaban conocer un poco más de su "cabeza de musgo". Las medidas de Zoro son muy especiales, pues superan a las de Nami y Robin, lo cual es increíble teniendo en cuento el ...
One Piece: Here’s How & When Zoro Got His Chest Scar! - Fiction …
Sep 5, 2023 · Zoro’s body is filled with scars, but the largest and most noticeable one is the one on his chest, which spans from his left shoulder to his right hip and is visible whenever he is shirtless or whenever his chest can be seen.
Zoro chest size? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Apr 15, 2022 · 110 cm, I believe. Only second to Hancock's. Oda said his chest sbs I think. Can’t find it though.
Zoros chest size : r/OnePiece - Reddit
May 17, 2022 · I’m simping for zoro cus he has one of the biggest chest sizes in all of anime
Who's got the best chest? : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Aug 11, 2023 · Canonically Zoro has the largest chest (even bigger than Nami and Robin) but honestly I prefer Wano Luffy or Shank (the only right answer are Nico Robin or Nami)
One Piece Zoro Chest Scar Explained: How One Epic Battle with
Ever wondered how he got it? Well, sit tight because it’s a tale steeped in rivalry, defeat, and ambitions that could shake the high seas. Zoro got his chest scar when he was fighting Mihawk in Baratie.