Zinc Chloride | ZnCl2 | CID 5727 - PubChem
Mar 16, 2009 · Zinc chloride is a solution of ions indicated for use in total parenteral nutrition to maintain zinc levels and prevent deficiency syndromes. Zinc chloride was granted FDA approval before 26 June 1986. View More... See also: Zinc Cation (has active moiety); Benzyl alcohol; zinc chloride (component of); Benzocaine; zinc chloride (component of) ...
Zinc chloride - Wikipedia
Zinc chloride is an inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnCl 2 ·nH 2 O, with n ranging from 0 to 4.5, forming hydrates. Zinc chloride, anhydrous and its hydrates, are colorless or white crystalline solids, and are highly soluble in water. Five hydrates of zinc chloride are known, as well as four polymorphs of anhydrous zinc chloride. [5]
Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2) - Structure, Properties, & Uses of Zinc Chloride
The Lucas reagent is a solution of anhydrous zinc chloride and concentrated hydrochloric acid. This reagent is very useful in the preparation of alkyl chlorides. A mixture of zinc oxide and hexachloroethane is used in some smoke grenades. Upon ignition, these compounds react to form a smoke of zinc chloride, which serves as a smokescreen.
Zinc chloride 0.1 M 7646-85-7 - MilliporeSigma
This study details the use of zinc chloride in a 0.1 M solution to assist in the pyrolysis process for creating co-doped carbon materials, which show high efficiency in oxygen reduction reactions. This has significant implications for fuel cell technologies and other electrochemical applications (Cao et al., 2020).
氯化锌_化工百科 - ChemBK
氯化锌易溶于水,在水中水解产生不溶性胶粒,使得复合缓蚀剂呈胶状浑浊而不澄清透明,随时间延长,这些不溶性的胶粒逐渐聚集而沉淀。 为了抑制复合缓蚀剂中锌盐析出,通常加少量H2 S04、HCI、H3 P04或冰乙酸等酸性物质。 不燃。 对皮肤、黏膜有刺激性。 无水物及浓溶液可引起皮肤溃疡。 吸入粉尘可引起呼吸困难。 消化及循环系统功能异常。 皮肤接触后,可用2%的碳酸氢钠溶液冲洗。 生产和使用硫酸锌的工作人员必须穿戴个人防护用具。 应贮存于阴凉干燥 …
Zinc chloride, solution is a colorless liquid. It is mildly corrosive to metals. It causes burns to eyes, skin and mucous membranes. What is this information?
氯化锌 CAS#: 7646-85-7 - ChemicalBook
Feb 18, 2025 · 氯化锌易溶于水,溶于甲醇、乙醇、甘油、乙醚、丙酮,不溶于液氯,潮解性强,能自空气中吸收水分而潮解,具备溶解金属氧化物和纤维素的特点。 熔化氯化锌有非常好的导电率能。 炙热时有深厚的白烟生成。 1、用作有机合成工业的脱水剂、缩合剂及生产香兰素、兔耳草醛、消炎止痛药物、阳离子交换树脂的催化剂。 可作聚丙烯腈的溶剂。 染织工业用作媒染剂、丝光剂、上浆剂。 纺织工业用作生产棉条桶、梭子等材料的原料 (棉纤维的助溶剂),可提高纤 …
Zinc chloride | 7646-85-7 - ChemicalBook
Jan 27, 2025 · It forms acidic solutions in water and in polar organic solvents such as ethanol, acetone, and ether. Anhydrous zinc chloride hydrolyzes with moisture to form hydrochloric acid. It also forms complex ions with water, ammonia, and some organic solvents. Zinc chloride reacts with sulphide to minimise release of H2S gas in waste treatment facilities.
Zinc Chloride ZnCl2 | Zaclon LLC
Due to its high solulability, Zinc Chloride is available in highly concentrated solutions. The industry standard solids content is 62.5%, though concentrations of 50%, 65%, and 68% are also available. The largest markets for our zinc chloride solution are:
Zinc chloride solution - MilliporeSigma
Browse Zinc chloride solution and related products at Merck.