Yusong Bai | Chemistry | Brown University
The research in the Bai Lab is highly interdisciplinary, bridging the frontiers of quantum research in condensed matter physics and materials design in contemporary chemistry: this laboratory will pioneer new concepts, phenomena, and functions that are defined by quantum emergence.
Yusong Bai - Google Scholar
Yusong Bai. Department of Chemistry, Brown University. Verified email at brown.edu - Homepage. Quantum Materials Exciton Ultrafast Spectroscopy Microscopy. ... Y Bai, JH Olivier, H Yoo, NF Polizzi, J Park, J Rawson, MJ Therien. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (46), 16946-16958, 2017. 33:
PEOPLE - Yusong Bai
Yusong Bai (How to pronounce) Ph.D. from Duke University, 2011-2017. Postdoctoral training at Columbia University, 2018-2022. Assistant Professor at Brown University, 2022- Other Profile. Hobbies: travel, photography, gym, anime (also two-dimensional), HiFi, 3d modeling. Email. Office: Geo-Chem 347. Zhenyu Sun.
Bai, Yusong - Brown University
Yusong Bai is an experimental physical chemist working on quantum properties of low-dimensional materials. His research focuses on designing and probing correlated electron systems, strongly-interacting exciton systems, and 2D magnetic systems, where quantum phase transitions can occur.
Bai Lab @ Brown University
The Bai Lab is a highly interdisciplinary laboratory with particular research interests in quantum materials and spectroscopy. We specialize in (1) linear/nonlinear steady-state/ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy, and (2) microelectronic device sample design and fabrications.
Yusong Bai - Assistant Professor - Brown University | LinkedIn
Assistant Professor at Brown University · Experience: Brown University · Education: Duke University · Location: Providence · 68 connections on LinkedIn. View Yusong Bai’s profile on LinkedIn,...
- Title: Assistant Professor at Brown …
- Location: Brown University
- Connections: 68
Yusong BAI | PostDoc Position | Doctor of Philosophy | Columbia ...
Yusong BAI, PostDoc Position | Cited by 2,854 | of Columbia University, NY (CU) | Read 41 publications | Contact Yusong BAI
RESEARCH | Yusong Bai
We will combine semiconducting and metallic Dirac materials having different dimensionalities and exploit binary tunabilities from these materials entities to create designer anisotropic electronic correlations and optical properties.
Bai, Y. CV 1 Yusong Bai Brown University, Department of Chemistry Geo-Chem Building 347 Providence, RI 02912 Tel: 401-863-1193 Email: yusong_bai@brown.edu Affiliations • Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Brown University 08/01/2022 – present Disciplinary Field(s)
Yusong Bai - OpenReview
Yusong Bai MS student, School of Artificial Intelligence, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. Joined ; August 2024
Yusong BAI | Wuhan University, Wuhan | WHU | Department of …
Yusong BAI | Cited by 35 | of Wuhan University, Wuhan (WHU) | Read 10 publications | Contact Yusong BAI
POSITIONS | Yusong Bai
We encourage highly-motivated, open-minded postdoctoral candidates with experiences in one of these areas: (1) ultrafast spectroscopy, (2) optical microscopy (e.g., scanning confocal, super-resolution), or (3) quantum optics (e.g., g(1) & g(2) correlation optical setup, microcavities) to send an E-mail, including a CV, a Cover Letter, a list of ...
Yusong Bai - Semantic Scholar
Jun 22, 2020 · Semantic Scholar profile for Yusong Bai, with 35 highly influential citations and 53 scientific research papers.
YuSong Bai | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Yusong Bai is currently working toward the degree with the Electronic and Information Engineering School, Soochow University, Suzhou, China. His research focuses on synthetic aperture radarinterferometry.
Fluence dependent photoinduced charge transfer dynamics in polymer-wrapped semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes. Widel, Z.; Alatis, J.; Stephenson, R.; Mastrocinque, F.; Wilcox, A.; Bullard, G.; Olivier, J.-H.; Bai, Y.; Zhang, P.; Beratan, D.; Therien, M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 10.1021/jacs.4c11118. 30.
Physical & Theoretical Chemistry - Brown University
Research in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry includes ultrafast study of reaction dynamics, photoacoustics, applications of chemical physics to medical imaging, novel spectroscopic methods, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, and molecular interaction in …
Yusong Bai | Columbia University | 29 Publications | 2585 Citations ...
Yusong Bai is an academic researcher from Columbia University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Exciton & Excited state. The author has an hindex of 17, co-authored 29 publications receiving 1741 citations.
CONTACT | Yusong Bai
E-mail: yusong_bai@brown.edu. Tel: 401-863-1193. Brown University. Department of Chemistry. 324 Brook Street. Providence, RI 02912. The orange arrow highlights an easy entrance to Geo-Chem Building. Brown University - Department of Chemistry.
GALLERY - Yusong Bai
Ultrafast laser: single-shot to 1 MHz tunable; 1030 nm. Noncolinear optical parametric amplifier: tunable in vis-to-NIR range; pulse < 30 fs; operating at 250 kHz.