Most common sign for “You’re welcome”? : r/asl - Reddit
That first you’re welcome is not a great translation. That’s used for welcome, in the context of welcoming someone inside a venue or onto a team. Most people sign you’re welcome just like a thank you. Kind of like the ASL version of an aloha. Look up cheers and jeers (on Facebook, maybe YouTube also), he has a video about it.
"You're welcome" : r/asl - Reddit
Jan 27, 2017 · Posted by u/chriszurch - 5 votes and 18 comments
Replying to a thank you : r/asl - Reddit
Sep 6, 2021 · A Deaf regular at my old work taught me YOUR (hand out palm facing the other person) WELCOME (Sideways W starting palm facing the floor with the index finger of the W touching your chin, and rotating the W outwards and down to your chest) In ASL class though, I learned it was okay to just wave it off as “it was nothing”.
What’s the best way to respond to thank you in ASL? : r/asl - Reddit
Dec 29, 2022 · As of June 28, the moderators of /r/asl have agreed to keep the subreddit dark, but we continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will be re-evaluating frequently. Members Online Final update: Made A Big Mistake Asking Out A Deaf Girl
What are your three favorite signs? : r/asl - Reddit
Aug 30, 2021 · I am guessing that your favorite signs are sunrise, beach, and death, but only "death" is actually clear. You may want to look at Ben Jarashow's work on joints and how producing the sign with the correct joint affects correct sign production. For example, your sign for "beach" is using only the elbow as a motion point, and your wrist is static.
Is your baby learning ASL? : r/beyondthebump - Reddit
You're learning signs together, not a separate language. ASL is a rich language of its own, with different rules, grammar etc, not a pantomime/acting out of English. If you're curious to read more about this, there are multiple ASL and deaf community subreddits. Please know that I'm not attacking you, just a gentle correction here.
Can someone please explain what contrastive structure means in …
Nov 10, 2021 · This subreddit is for those interested in learning ASL. Please check the first post that's pinned "The Free ASL Resources and FAQ Thread" for answers to many questions. Also, this isn't a place to get people to do your homework for you. We're happy to help as long as you put in some effort.
ASL interpreters with ADHD (or other forms of neurodiversity
Apr 26, 2023 · This subreddit is for those interested in learning ASL. Please check the first post that's pinned "The Free ASL Resources and FAQ Thread" for answers to many questions. Also, this isn't a place to get people to do your homework for you. We're happy to help as long as you put in some effort.
r/asl on Reddit: hi i am learning how to sign is this the correct way ...
Dec 29, 2022 · A little feed back, you don't have to extend your arm all the way out for "your" remember to give personal space when speaking with your hands. As someone else said you don't need to bounce for finger spelling, unless your using double letters such as say I'm finger spelling Kelly, the L's would bounce from right to left to symbolize it's a ...
What's your favorite sign in ASL? : r/asl - Reddit
This subreddit is for those interested in learning ASL. Please check the first post that's pinned "The Free ASL Resources and FAQ Thread" for answers to many questions. Also, this isn't a place to get people to do your homework for you. We're happy to help as long as you put in …