Scared... wisdom tooth cavity - Dental Phobia Forum
Oct 31, 2011 · So I was eating (a cupcake of all things, lol) over the weekend when I started chewing on what turned out to be a bit of tooth. After a bit of feeling with my tongue I determined there was a big hole in my back right wisdom tooth. I've never had any problems with my wisdom teeth apart from a bit of pain when they came in.
scared about wisdom tooth extraction (large cavity) - Dental …
Jul 16, 2018 · Hi everyone, I am scheduled to have my left lower (non-impacted I think) wisdom tooth removed due to a huge cavity on August 21st under sedation. I have all kinds of fears and questions and this looks like a wonderfully helpful forum. The reason I have to wait so long for a removal is because...
Tooth with deep cavity tastes very foul - Dental Phobia Forum
Nov 27, 2009 · Re: Tooth with deep cavity tastes very foul - also "preventative extractions?" A deep cavity will taste bad if the nerve in the tooth has died, pus and gunge from the infected nerve space will leak out into the mouth, but the tooth won't be painful. The leakage is preventing pressure build up which is what causes pain.
Should you save a wisdom tooth with a cavity by getting it filled ...
Sep 25, 2021 · If you have a wisdom tooth with a cavity that is not a small one near the gums. The dentist says it can be extracted or filled, but most people just have it extracted as it is not functional and may cause problems later on. The dentist says it's an option to try to keep the tooth if …
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Went Wrong - dentalfearcentral.org
Jan 24, 2025 · Everything he does He did an X-ray and explained that the pain might be caused by my wisdom tooth, but it’s more likely from the tooth just in front of it, which has a cavity. He suggested it wouldn’t hurt to have the wisdom tooth removed first, just to be safe, and after that, I could come back so he could fix the cavity in the other tooth.
Extractions with roots grown into sinuses? - Dental Phobia Forum
Nov 21, 2011 · The reality is that a sinus perforation that occurs when removing a wisdom tooth seldom has anything to do with surgical technique. While you could get a cone beam CT scan it won't change the risk or the technique so it is a waste of money and more radiation so the only ones who would order ones are the ones that own one.
How long does pain last after wisdom tooth extraction
Oct 9, 2024 · Hi. I had one lower wisdom tooth removed a week ago. There is still a large cavity and I have big mouth ulcers around the area from where the instruments probably caught the gum. 2 days after the procedure I got it checked as I was in a lot of pain & concerned about dry socket. I do not have an infection or dry socket fortunately.
Wisdom tooth pain - neuralgia or cavity help!
Nov 8, 2019 · I have been experiencing a burning pain around my lower left wisdom tooth, where my cheek touches the tooth's side. The pain is similar to my usual neuraligia/atypical facial pain, but because it's in a new spot I am worrying. My last check up was two months ago, and I am due another at the end of October.
Jaw pain from cavity in Wisdom Tooth - Dental Phobia Forum
Dec 16, 2014 · I have to wait until the 20th to have 3 wisdom teeth taken out, 1 molar extracted, a root canal, and a cavity filled all in a 6 hour procedure with oral sedation. Recently though I've been having a lot of pain in my lower jaw. I was sure I must have an abscess but it turns out it's just a really bad cavity.
Has anyone had their wisdom teeth out after age 40?
May 19, 2009 · Second wisdom tooth, bottom right, came in w/ a hole in it, like a cavity but no cavity, no pain or anything. I got that one removed at 39. (with the one in front of it as well--more on why in a minute).
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