Windows API index - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
Mar 14, 2023 · The following is a list of the reference content for the Windows application programming interface (API) for desktop and server applications. Using the Windows API, you can develop applications that run successfully on all versions of Windows while taking advantage of the features and capabilities unique to each version.
Programming reference for the Win32 API - Win32 apps
The Win32 API reference documentation is presented in several different views. You can browse a list of popular technologies on this page, or you can browse the full list of technologies in the table of contents.
List of Microsoft Windows application programming interfaces and ...
The following is a list of Microsoft APIs and frameworks.
Are there any resources for using the Windows API in C?
Apr 2, 2023 · Despite the "C++" label in the documentation, Win32 is a C API and those are all C functions. Microsoft's point of view is that C was replaced by C++, so they refer to it all as "C++". Because C++ has no stable ABI they couldn't practically define a C++ system API anyway.
API Index - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
Apr 28, 2021 · This article provides links to reference documentation for APIs that can be used in desktop Windows apps. The Win32 API (also called the Windows API) is the native platform for Windows apps. This API is best for desktop apps that require direct access to …
Win32 API Tutorial => Getting started with Win32 API
WinAPI (also known as Win32; officially called the Microsoft Windows API) is an application programming interface written in C by Microsoft to allow access to Windows features. The main components of the WinAPI are: WinBase: The kernel functions, CreateFile, CreateProcess, etc; WinUser: The GUI functions, CreateWindow, RegisterClass, etc
Win32 API list - Tripod
This page describes the PB external function declarations you need when you want to use 32bit Windows API functions. If your needed function is not listed, please email me and I'll add it to the list (if possible). Secondly, you can also find structure definitions.
windows - List of all existing WinApi Functions - Stack Overflow
Jun 8, 2021 · There's no practical reason to have that listing. Applications know which APIs they need and either the OS loader will resolve those dependencies (for compile-time dynamic linking), or the runtime dynamic linking will report its outcome to the calling application.
Where can I find a list of windows API constants
Jun 21, 2009 · You'll find all the constants in the C headers of the win32 API. The low-tech way of getting this information is to simply run a text search in the headers folder of visual studio or the platform SDK.
win32/desktop-src/apiindex/windows-api-list.md at docs - GitHub
The following is a list of the reference content for the Windows application programming interface (API) for desktop and server applications. Using the Windows API, you can develop applications that run successfully on all versions of Windows while taking advantage of the features and capabilities unique to each version.