How to Repel Mice? – The Housing Forum
Seal cracks tightly, as mice have been known to chew through hard substances to gain access to homes. Be sure to rid your home of existing mice, as you may also prevent mice from exiting when you seal off the points of entry. Many people wonder how to repel mice from their home, and agonize over this pesky problem.
How To Repel Rats? – The Housing Forum
Rats are some of the peskiest animals around. Besides being a nuisance, rats can also be damaging creatures as well. They are master at the art of hiding and getting into things. If left alone, rats can tear up a house and rummage through a great deal of …
Garage Storage Systems – The Housing Forum
Cabinetry materials are wood, metal or plastic and may have locking capability. Use suspension brackets to hang cabinets up off the floor area. This helps prevent invasion by mice, other rodents and bugs that may find their way into the garage. There are garage organizing kits for small objects and lawn or garden kits for hanging heavier ...
How To Clean Grout In the Shower? – The Housing Forum
Worker’s hand using a sponge to wipe fresh grout from ceramic tile The grout in the bathroom can be a tricky and annoying conundrum. The majority of the bathroom is made out of the tiles and not the grout. The grout simply seals the bathroom tiles together yet it seems to be that it is […]
How To Get Rid of Squirrels? – The Housing Forum
Most homes deal with rodents at one time or another. However, the same techniques that work for smaller animals like mice, or even rats, aren’t necessarily as ideal for very large rodents, such as squirrels. Like mice, squirrels are drawn to homes and yard areas by the easy access to food and shelter. While many […]
How to Start Composting? - The Housing Forum
If you have a backyard and you love to grow fresh vegetables in your garden or display flowers, you may want to start a compost pile. You could end up with some great mulch and have the best garden around. The best part is that it is easy to learn how to start composting and […]
The Advantages and Safety of Ultrasonic Bird Repellents
Devices with dual speaker electronic pest control generate an intense, variable-pitch sonic and ultrasonic sound waves creating a noisy, hostile environment with constantly changing sounds that repel household insects, rodents, bats, mice, spiders, crickets, fleas, ticks, and rats, as well as birds. An ultrasonic bird repellent works indoors ...
How To Get Chewing Gum Out Of Carpet? – The Housing Forum
Unfortunately, one of the hazards of chewing gum is that it can easily get stuck to household carpets. It can become adhered to the carpet via a child that does not know any better. Or the gum may fall off a shoe that picked up the gum off a dirty sidewalk. There are numerous ways […]
How to Prevent Pests from Invading your Home? - The Housing …
Bushes and trees branches that touch your house are freeways for ants and mice. Always keep the vegetation trimmed away from the sides of your home and roof. If mosquitoes are a problem in your area, look for any containers that can hold water. This could include anything from a bromeliad plant to an empty flower pot.
Wireless Home Theaters - The Housing Forum
Another method employs Bluetooth connections, the same method that is often found on wireless phones and mice. Tapping your speakers, audio output from your TV, and any other Bluetooth devices into a central unit allows reduction of wires. Many wireless subwoofers use this technology. A final option, called HomePlug, takes a different approach.