Meaning of the quote "As Above So Below; As Within So Without"
Apr 17, 2016 · Above is Heaven, below is Earth, and so it means. It is the same on Earth as it is in Heaven. The second is probably intended as a similar idea: within and without in this context …
prepositions - Is "without" the opposite of "within?" - English ...
Feb 14, 2015 · "As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul." Is without actually the opposite of within? For example, these opposites make sense: On the ground, I …
vocabulary - meaning of "above boord handsum" - English …
Jan 23, 2016 · But what would I have been, had I been so stravagant? and as to passin’ bad money, I see no harm in it, if you have given valy for it, and received it above boord handsum, …
phrase usage - "very well above", "so well above", "so much above ...
May 29, 2021 · It seems like in the past "so much above" was more common, with "very much above" a distant second. More recently, both uses have decreased significantly, though "so …
meaning in context - What does "But I'm not above yodeling" …
May 19, 2015 · Normally above and beneath refer to something being higher or lower than something else physically. In the abstract sense here, it means instead to be morally higher or …
prepositions - Why is 'on and above' used so frequently? - English ...
There may be overlap in meaning between two prepositions, but if both are used, we can presume one of a few things, such as: (a) the prepositions don't mean the same thing in that …
Equivalent of above and below for the words right and left
Aug 4, 2018 · I am writing some computer code and I want to find the equivalent of the words above and below for the right and left, so I want a precise word rather than a whole sentence / …
meaning - What does "less so" mean here? - English Language …
To avoid repeating the word helpful, the author uses so. If there is an adjective with less or more, you can replace it the second time with so. Another example: The cake was really very sweet. …
Does 'Down below' mean the same thing as 'Bottom'?
Down below and bottom don't mean the same thing, but the share the meaning of "in the lower part of" something. The meaning depends on context. For example, if you're on a ship, down …
What is the meaning of the sentence "Get a punch above your …
Jeff was punching above his weight when he was dating Liz. She's way too hot for him. But I still don't understand the meaning of the first sentence. What does "punch above your weight mug …