Webster Housing Authority
The Webster Housing Authority is an agency that provides safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income Elders, Families and persons with disabilities. The Housing Authority operates under guidelines set out by their regulatory agency, HUD and the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development.
Webster Housing Authority | Webster, MA
The Webster Housing Authority has been developing and operating subsidized housing since it incorporated in 1949. Read more about projects, programs, members, and other helpful information.
Become a Resident - Webster Housing Authority
The family state-aided public housing program provides housing for low-income families in neighborhoods throughout the state. The Webster Housing Authority has one Chapter 200-1 program for family housing on Second Island/Thompson Road, across from Webster Lake’s public beach entrance.
Staff Directory • Webster Housing Authority
Webster, MA 01570. Phone: 508-943-1634. Fax: 508-949-6003. Link: Webster Housing Authority Page
Webster Housing Authority - Section 8 and Public Housing
Webster Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 105 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs. 10 Golden Heights, Webster, MA.
Webster Housing Authority - Low Income Apartments in Webster, MA
Webster Housing Authority, Webster,is a low-income apartment complex in Webster, MA. We offer affordable housing to low-income residents. Call us today at (508) 943-1634 to learn more.
Webster Housing Authority Public Housing Waiting List is Open
Webster Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 105 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs. This housing agency serves Webster, Massachusetts.
Webster Housing Authority - Webster, MA
View Webster Housing Authority in Webster, MA. View photos, get pricing, and see if you qualify for public housing and section 8.
Webster Housing Authority
The Webster Housing Authority is located in south central Massachusetts bordering Thompson Connecticut. The Town has approx 16,000 residents and is located directly off Route 395. Its mission is to offer its residents a clean and safe environment to live in and raise their families.
Webster Housing Authority, 10 Golden Hts, Webster, MA …
The Webster Housing Authority, established in 1949, is a government organization dedicated to developing and managing subsidized housing in Webster, MA. They offer a variety of housing options, including family units and elderly/disabled housing, with preferences given to local residents and veterans.