a generic, common language for accounting uses of water. This conceptual framework provides terminology and a procedure that can be applied to describe the present status and consequences of water resources-related actions carried out in agriculture and other water use sectors. The water accounting
The objective of this white paper is to demonstrate the value of the Water Accounting Plus (WA+) system. WA+ quantifies water flows, fluxes, consumptive use, stocks and storage changes in river basins. It shows that transparent and verified datasets can help policy makers to …
Using Remote Sensing in support of solutions to ... - Water …
This report provides the water accounting study for the Awash River Basin in the central Rift Valley of Ethiopia which is experiencing water scarcity.
A standardized approach for rapid water accounting through Remote Sensing is being developed by UNESCO-IHE (Delft) and IWMI (Colombo) in partnership with FAO (Rome). Such approach, named Water Accounting + ó (WA+), makes use of global public domain datasets to estimate water balance components and report on the results
Water accounting can provide a coherent and consistent methodology for quantifying hydrological processes and the distribution of water over various competing sectors. It also
This report provides the water accounting study for Litani River basin in Lebanon carried out by IHE Delft using the Water Productivity (WaPOR) data portal of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
concept of the ADB country water assessments is the element of water demand forecasting, per economic sector (agriculture, industry, energy and municipal), vs. the surface water and groundwater resources for each (major) river basin.
Investigation of optimal irrigation system operations using the water accounting framework plus (WA+) for agricultural transformation under climate change and anthropogenic impacts in Ben Tre province, Vietnamese Mekong Delta.”
Demonstrating Water Accounting and Water Productivity analyses …
The main objective of the water accounting studies was to support the local recipient organizations and ADB activities in the selected areas in defining sustainable water management strategies by applying the WA+ procedure to estimate, available, exploitable, utilized and utilizable water resources.
Water Accounting Plus Phase II 2020 – 2022
Water Accounting Plus (WA+) provides such information using various types of open access databases, including satellite remote sensing data. The WA+ framework was developed at IHE with funding from the DUPC2 programme under Phase I of this project (DUPC WA+).