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Knoxville Weather | East Tennessee | wbir.com
Knoxville weather forecast, conditions, temperatures and radar - from WBIR in Knoxville, Tennessee
East Tennessee Weather Forecast from WBIR Channel 10 | wbir…
4 days ago · Rain or shine, check the latest forecast, radar scan and temperatures in East Tennessee on WBIR.com!
Knoxville 10-Day Weather Forecast - WBIR.com
10-day weather forecast from WBIR in Knoxville, Tennessee. Mix of sun and clouds.Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 40s.
Knoxville Weather Radar | East Tennessee | wbir.com
Interactive weather radar from WBIR in Knoxville, Tennessee. Knox Shamrock Fest offers St. Patrick's Day fun for all ages at World's Fair Park for a good cause