Classification of placental lesions - American Journal of ...
May 4, 2015 · Edema of the placental villi accompanies hydrops fetalis, and placental pathology can contribute to differential diagnosis by highlighting coexisting fetal anemia (increased …
Four major patterns of placental injury: a stepwise guide for ...
Feb 8, 2021 · Patchy villous edema or even delayed villous maturation, possibly reflecting increased hydrostatic pressure, is common with FVM, but not specific.
The placenta in intrauterine demise - Boyd - 2018 - APMIS ...
Jul 24, 2018 · Villous edema, a nonspecific finding, can be present in stillbirth placentas. Villous edema is seen more commonly overall in preterm placentas and in placentas with …
Placental villous edema: a possible cause of antenatal ...
Placental villous edema was recognized by finding of open spaces within the cytoplasm of intervillous cells and in the interstitium of the villi. The percentage of edematous villi was …
Disorders of placental villous maturation in fetal death - PMC
Disorders of villous maturation are ramification disorders of the villous tree whereby the observed morphology is chronologically deviated from what should be normal for the gestational age [36 …
The clinical significance of placental villous edema - PubMed
Villous edema provides a clue. It was present in 72/83 placentas with chorioamnionitis. The extent and severity of the edema had a strong, positive correlation with cord arterial blood pH values, …
Villous Oedema - SpringerLink
Dec 22, 2018 · Unlike other microscopic lesions, villous oedema is often a descriptive, not a diagnostic, term. It is characterised by an accumulation of fluid in the villous stroma and …
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