Venus Globe - 12-inch | The Space Store
This richly detailed, injection-molded 12” desktop globe shows an astounding 226 named geological features, as well as 10 landing sites. You’ll find many features you can see on Venus labeled, including Beta Regio, Atanua Mons, Epistle Regio, Var Mons, Maxwell Montes, and countless others.
The Venus Globe - 1-World Globes
This 12-inch scale model of Venus is based on radar data from the Magellan orbiter. Contains all the major land-forms and is color coded for elevation. Produced in collaboration with NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey.
Globes - The Space Store
Venus Globe - 12-inch Pull back the veil on Venus and explore the fascinating and unforgiving surface that hides beneath the clouds! Developed by the staff of Astronomy magazine along with USGS cartographer, Trent Hare, this globe was produced …
Astropedia - Venus Magellan Globe - USGS
The images used for the base of this globe show the northern and southern hemispheres of Venus as revealed by more than a decade of radar investigations culminating in the 1990-1994 Magellan mission.
Venus Globe » Shop Planetary Globes » Ultimate Globes
The Venus Globe is 12" scale model of planet Venus with maps from NASA and USGS, featuring major landforms which are color coded for elevation. Shop Now!
Venus Globe, 12 inches, Orange, Acrylic Base, Celestial Map
12” desktop Venus globe model shows an astounding 226 planetary features, including 10 landing sites. Developed along with USGS, this globe was produced using images from the Magellan Venus Radar Mapper, gathered from thousands of microwave pulses with near-100% accuracy.
Venus Globe (Free Shipping) - 1st Stop Travel Store
Every major landform is recorded in the resulting globe, which is color-coded for elevation. Comes with “Venus,” a 16-page booklet. Free standing sculptured acrylic base included.
Sky-Publishing Globe Venus - GLOBES-AND-MAPS
The Venus globe is particularly intriguing because we can actually see the surface without the planet’s dense, opaque cloud cover getting in the way, thanks to global radar mapping conducted by orbiting Soviet spacecraft.
6" Venus Globe | The Space Store
This highly detailed, injection-molded 6" desktop globe identifies 184 named geological features, as well as 10 landing sites. You’ll find many features you can see on Venus labeled, including Baltis Vallis, Vesta Rupes, Sedna Planitia, Maxwell Montes, and countless others.
Venus MOVA Globe - Ambient Light Powered Spinning Planet …
Explore the fiery terrain of our 'sister planet,' Venus, captured with astounding clarity using NASA's satellite imagery. Venus is the second brightest object in the solar system and, for this reason, is often called the 'Morning Star'.
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