Case's Chrome Vanadium vs. Carbon Steel? - BladeForums.com
Apr 13, 2024 · "Steel is considered to be carbon steel when no minimum content is specified or required for chromium, cobalt, columbium [niobium], molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten, vanadium or zirconium, or any other element to be added to obtain a desired alloying effect; when the specified minimum for copper does not exceed 0.40 per cent; or when the ...
Case's Chrome Vanadium vs. Carbon Steel? | BladeForums.com
Mar 10, 2016 · Like our Chrome Vanadium, our 1095 steel is part of a class of steels where carbon is the principal alloying element that gives the steel high tensile strength, wear resistance and toughness. Both CV and 1095 carbon steel blades are also known for their edge retention and ease of re-sharpening.
What is Molybdenum Vanadium Steel? - BladeForums.com
Aug 18, 2020 · Any steel containing Molybdenum(Mo) and Vanadium(V) qualifies for that name. I am unaware of any trademarked steel with that name though. The search on knife steel database returns 956 alloys with Mo and V in them, can be any one of those.
What is Case Chrom Vanadium steel? - BladeForums.com
Oct 30, 2002 · CV--Chorme Vanadium Steel and Carbon V are all the very same steel. This is not a mistery steel. It is not a new steel. It had been made by the hundreds of tons For many many ywears and used by ALL the major Knife Companies for Decades. It is 0170-6 cutlery Steel...It was developed in the 1950's by sharon Steel specifically for Knives.
Experiences on Muela Knives - BladeForums.com
Jul 25, 2010 · The blades are 440 MOliydenum Vanadium -OWEdges is right- but there is also a new Kodiak in Sandvik steel. Another great Muela is the Jabalí. This is one beast of a knife, with the largest model having a 21 cm. (8 inch) blade.
Case CV - Has it changed? - BladeForums.com
Oct 21, 2009 · Case's Chrome Vanadium steel (CV) has been around for a long time, and with a deservedly excellent reputation. Even though the composition of the CV steel seems to constantly come into question, it has been revealed by an authoritative voice that it is actually 0170-6 (50100 B), which is basically 1095 with small additions of chromium and vanadium.
Moly Vanadium Knife Blade Questions - BladeForums.com
Jun 19, 2006 · Could someone please tell me more about these two blade materials, namely moly vanadium, and 420C stainless steel, and if buying them, in even a cheap knife, is worth it. Muela 18N Mirage Tactical Fixed Blade - $39.95 (List Price: $60.00)
rust on Case Yellow Trapper blades.. - BladeForums.com
May 15, 2017 · I suppose that the main reason that they use this steel, in some of their knives, is because it is the "original steel" that was used in Case knives way back when. I just received a catalog from a dealer that has some Yellow Handle Case knives, including the Trapper, with stainless steel blades instead of the Chrome Vanadium.
Chrome Vanadium steel blades - BladeForums.com
Jan 10, 2008 · Case "CV" steel is an alloy steel, non-stainless. It is not carbon steel, as it has small additions of Chromium and Vanadium, whence the name "CV". These additions to the alloy give improved properties to the steel. Those improved properties include finer grain size and improved uniformity in tempering.
Sharpening High Vanadium Knives | Page 2 | BladeForums.com
Jan 15, 2015 · In the first impacts a 10% vanadium edge apex will roll to the same extent as 3%, and only by 30% less than a mainstream steel. In the long run the more wear-resistant steel wins, but it looses its initial sharpness almost at the same rate as a mainstream knife.