ms office - VSTO add-in silent installation - Stack Overflow
Nov 13, 2015 · I've developed a VSTO addin with VS2012 signed by a DigiCert certificate. I need to deploy it to all the Enterprise users so the installer shouldn't prompt the user because it will …
unable to silently install VSTO from powershell - Stack Overflow
May 29, 2018 · Looks like you are trying to install a VSTO based add-in, not VSTO itself. In that case I'd recommend creating an MSI installer for your VSTO add-in which you can run silently …
Simplest way to support logging from a VSTO AddIn
It seems that I will run into permission issues if I try to create a new event source for my application. I am looking for the simplest approach to enable logging events from my VSTO …
c# - VSTO (Document-level): Individual context menu in Excel …
Jun 25, 2013 · Is it possible to disable or configure the (cell, range) context menu via C# (VSTO). If yes, how can I implement it (in a document-level VSTO Excel application) For example I …
How to troubleshoot a VSTO addin that does not load?
The addin was not starting due to this other excel application running (I was migrating an MSAccess application to VSTO), so Access had an automation app open hidden. In short, if …
c# - Deploying VSTO Add-In to All Users - Stack Overflow
Oct 20, 2015 · Thanks, i want to run this for all user in my system without created setup project. I set setting in registry keys. I use ` D:\\MyAddIn\\bin\\Release\\MyAddIn.vsto|vstolocal` for …
VSTO: invoking on main Excel thread - Stack Overflow
Jul 31, 2014 · I have a button on an Excel sheet which starts a new thread to do some processing. If I want to make any changes to Excel (e.g. write data to a cell using …
How to Use an existing Excel document to debug my VSTO add-in?
Jun 21, 2019 · I have to come for help because after like 2 hours of web search I have not achieved what I want to do. I start building a VSTO add-in using Studio 2019. I need VS to …
How detect when user choose NEW or OPEN mail in Outlook VSTO
May 15, 2018 · I'm programming a VSTO in Outlook 2016 and I would like to enable/disable buttons in a Ribbon, based on the user's action of START A NEW MESSAGE or just …
VSTO Background Threading with STA and COM - Stack Overflow
Jul 28, 2013 · That tends to be a problem in a VSTO add-in, you normally want to use an object provided by the Office object model. You don't get to choose where that object was created. If …