Umeå Airport
Swedavia has selected Sofia Johansson for the position of airport director at Umeå Airport. Sofia most recently comes from the position of staff manager and purchasing manager at Skolfastigheter i Stockholm AB, within Stockholm’s municipal group.
Departures | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
We recommend that you get to the airport when your check-in/bag drop opens. Click on your flight to see opening hours.
Arrivals | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
About the airport. Flying drones. News. Environment. Contact. Press +46 (0)10-109 50 00. info@umeaairport.se. facebook. instagram. Swedavia owns and develops the national basic range of airports in Sweden. The ten airports forms a system that links Sweden - and Sweden with the world. ...
Parking | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
Here you can get answers to your questions about parking at Umeå Airport, for instance, driving directions and information about prices. They will also help guide you in booking parking on-line but will not make the actual booking for you.
Check in | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
Find out whether you can check in online from home, if your airline has automated machines at the airport for bag tags and whether you can check in your baggage using the bag drop. Plan the start of your journey as much as possible so that you have time for the different processes once you get to the airport.
About the airport | Umeå Airport - swedavia.com
Umeå Airport's first flight took off in December 1961, but the airport was inaugurated in May 1962. Since then, the airport has continued to develop both in terms of its buildings and passenger numbers, but also due to the fact that many airlines have chosen to serve Umeå.
Destinations | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
Whether you're traveling for business, leisure, or to visit family and friends, there are several destinations you can reach directly from the airport. Scheduled flights or charter trips – book your next adventure directly from Umeå Airport.
Umeå Airport - Swedavia
Läs allt om Umeå Airport här. Hitta ankomster, avgångar, parkering, restauranger och annat på Umeå Airport. Du kan se våra destinationer och charterresmål.
Buses | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
You can take the Airport Bus, number 80, driven by Ultra - Umeå's public transport. Click here for more information.
Contact | Umeå Airport - Swedavia
Contact us to receive help and for answers to the majority of questions concerning the airport and your trip.