Ultimis, Primis, Victis, Richtofen - Timeline Paths : r/CODZombies
Jun 24, 2017 · Ultimis locates a Lunar Lander and fly to the Ascension Facility. NOVEMBER 6th, 1963 – ASCENSION Ultimis arrives at the Soviet Cosmodrome and free Gersh from the …
So quick question, what’s the difference between Ultimis and
Ultimis Richtofen is a member of the Illuminati, and is tasked with infiltrating Group 935 (I know you're aware of some of these differences and are asking why but bear with me here). Primis …
What actually happened to the Ultimis crew post Moon?
Dec 3, 2021 · The Ultimis crew you meet in this game are all alternate versions in various fractures caused by killing Ultimis Richtofen. BO3 comics, Ultimis Richtofen eventually ended …
Ultimis Richtofen: Throughout the years : r/CODZombies - Reddit
Apr 8, 2024 · Ultimis Richtofen after touching the MPD: On January 4th 1940, despite Dr. Schuster's warnings, Richtofen boldly opted to use himself as a test subject in his attempts to …
Continuing Ultimis: What We've Learnt From Classified SO FAR
Ultimis are time travellers, so when we talk about when, we need to consider two things. The actual date of events, and where the map takes place within Ultimis' travels. In terms of …
Ultimis Richtofen: Throughout the years : r/callofdutyzombies
Apr 8, 2024 · Ultimis Richtofen after touching the MPD: On January 4th 1940, despite Dr. Schuster's warnings, Richtofen boldly opted to use himself as a test subject in his attempts to …
Meaning of "Primis", "Ultimis" and "Victis" - Reddit
May 29, 2017 · Ultimis being the last version before they become prom as again in the cycle. Victis is the defeated because no matter what they do they die. The world is destroyed, likely …
r/ExtremisUltimis - Reddit
Extremis Ultimis is moreso a mod of fiction than it is of alt-history. We are well aware that certain aspect will not be realistic, but that isn't the point. Please keep criticisms of the mods realism …
How old are primis in comparison to ultimis? : r/CODZombies
Nov 21, 2020 · We don't have anything pointing to Primis and Ultimis being born at different dates and we don't really have exact birth dates from them either but we have events from the …
Can someone PLEASE explain to me Primus/Ultimus? : …
Oct 20, 2019 · With that, Ultimis and Primis are done fighting, and are now having drinks together and having fun telling stories around a campfire. Nikolai plans to combine the Shard with the …