Turner Joy (DD-951) - NHHC
Jan 12, 2023 · Forrest Sherman-class destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD-951) was commissioned on 3 August 1959 with Commander Ralph S. Wentworth, Jr., in command. The ship was named for Admiral Charles Turner Joy, who began his naval service when he entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1912 and graduated in June 1916. He served as an ensign onboard Pennsylvania (Battleship No. 38) in World War I, and during World War ...
USS Turner Joy (DD-951) - NHHC
USS Turner Joy (DD-951) firing one of her three 5/54 Mark 42 gun mounts (Mount 52) toward an enemy shore position in Vietnam, 20 June 1968. Note the ejected powder canister flying through the air in front of the gun mount and other powder canisters stacked on deck in the foreground. Photographed by JO1 Willard B. Bass, Jr., USN. Official …
USS Turner Joy Action Report for Gulf of Tonkin 4 August 1964
USS Turner Joy (DD-951) Care of Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California DD951/AGM/gjr 3100 Ser: 004 11 September 1964 OPNAV Report Symbol 3480-5 From: Commanding Officer, USS Turner Joy (DD-951) To: Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Commander Destroyer Division ONE NINETY-TWO (CTG 72.1) (2) Commander Carrier Division FIVE (CTF 77) (3) Commander SEVENTH Fleet (4) Commander in Chief, United ...
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~'2./t~~ - NHHC
USS TURNER JOY is named in honor of the late Admiral c. Turner Joy, USN, a distinguished naval figure of World·War II and the Korean War. As conrrnanding officer of the crui.ser USS LOUISVILLE, and later as cruiser di vision comm.antler, he participated in numerous can1paigns in the Pacific during World War II, in cluding Guadalcanal, Philippines, and Iwo Jima. During the Korean War, Admiral ...
USS Maddox Report of Tonkin Gulf Action of 4 August 1964 - NHHC
USS Turner Joy verified on ECM equipment (BLR) that contacts had no radar in operation by complete absence of normal CHICOMM or DRV seaborne radars. 2304 -- Maddox acquired an intermittent radar contact close-up astern.
Formerly Classified Documents Subsequent to 4 August 1964
USS Turner Joy "Statements, Chronology of action & summary..."dated 7 Aug.: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: 7 August 1964 TO: CTF 77 FROM: Commanding Officer, USS Turner Joy (DD-951) SUBJ: Statements, Chronology of action and summary DRT 1. I have enclosed subject documents to assist in verifying action on the night of 4 August. My own brief comments regarding what I saw are included ...
Tonkin Gulf Crisis, August 1964 - Summary - NHHC
Aug 25, 2015 · They reinforced Maddox with destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD 951) and directed Captain Herrick to continue his intelligence-gathering mission off North Vietnam with the two naval vessels. On the night of 4 August, the warships reported making contact and then being attacked by several fast craft far out to sea.
Publicly Released Information - NHHC
Aug 25, 2015 · Chronology of Second Attack (All times are local time at the destroyer's position.) After the first attack on the USS Maddox on Sunday, the Maddox joined with its sister destroyer, the USS Turner Joy, in the Gulf of Tonkin and resumed its patrol in international waters, as directed by President Johnson.
USS Maddox Reports 2 and 4 August 1964 - NHHC
The USS Turner Joy joined the Maddox on the night of 2 August and from then to the end of the patrol assisted in the collection of Elint. The two ships intercepted a total of twenty-eight signals, several of which confirmed existing sites.
Maddox (DD-731) - NHHC
Sep 22, 2022 · At first, the North Vietnamese attack was assumed to be in error, but within 48 hours, it was proven to be deliberate. On the stormy night of 4 August, North Vietnamese patrol boats again launched an attack on Maddox, but this time the ship was accompanied by destroyer USS Turner Joy (DD-951).