UPS Transformer ?!? Specifications - Power Supply?
Jul 4, 2011 · Pretty versatile transformer if it can truly fulfill those claims and useful information as UPS transformer are easy to come by. I tried to get information and googled every combination of the above listed numbers I could think of and kept coming up with UPS information but no one that was using this type transformer as a simple step down ...
Six-Pulse UPS vs. Twelve-Pulse UPS - CR4 Discussion Thread
Dec 8, 2009 · Putting a transformer (as electricaexpert65 described) ahead of the UPS and using 2 rectifiers (2 x 6 pulses = 12 pulse) will reduce the THD, usually by 1/2. Further reduction can be done by using 18 pulses, but on UPS systems the cost tends to outweigh the added benefits. 18 pulse VFDs however are becoming more and more common because VFDs ...
Neutral to be Earthed at 3 Phase UPS Output OK or Not?
Aug 2, 2013 · The UPS itself provide its own neutral point for 230V. Only the body of the UPS is connected to earth. If neutral of the UPS is connected to earth, then there will be a reverse flow of voltage to your UPS if there is a faults in the power distribution system where the leakage voltage will flow back to your UPS by the earth wire. _____
Intellipower 1.6KVA UPS Issues - CR4 Discussion Thread
Jul 16, 2012 · Do you get 220 v at the transformer output when the input supply to the UPS is removed?Do you get a 110v output at the UPS when you remove the transformer and also the input supply to the UPS? Does the output supply fail only when you connect the input supply to the UPS? It might be possible to draw some conclusions if you could answer these.
UPS Output Voltage - CR4 Discussion Thread
Jun 18, 2010 · If the UPS output is from the secondary of a transformer, which secondary winding is isotated from the primary, then remove the central OV connection to ground. You can then use one of the 120V output as ground and the 2nd output as 240V. To check, put the UPS OFF from mains (isolate) and remove the ground link from the 0V central pole.
UPS Bypass Transformer - CR4 Discussion Thread
Aug 6, 2009 · What are the advantages and disadvantages for using the Ferroresonance Regulating Transformer and Shielded Isolation Transformer for the UPS Bypass system? -MS "All my technical advices in this forum must be consulted with and approved by a local registered professional engineer before implementation" - Mohammed Samad (Linkedin Profile: http ...
UPS - CR4 Discussion Thread - GlobalSpec
Aug 2, 2010 · Physically , changing a small transformer. Remove the cover panels of UPS. disconnect all wires connected to transformer. Remove all fixing screws/bolts of Transformer and take it out. Fix the new reduced size transformer. Dont ask me whether it will work or not.
Transformer Calculation - CR4 Discussion Thread - GlobalSpec
Jan 25, 2011 · What is the transformer calculation of the UPS input . The information contained on this site is by users for users and is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute advice.
UPS in TNS with Built In Transformer at Output
Jan 8, 2015 · The UPS 400/230V, 20KVA in TNS 3P, 4W as source and factory ups provide transformer at output side of ups (after converter UPS) and so contactor three poles. I request them to solidly earthed with contactor in neutral to earth.
Switch Mode or Transformer Type UPS? - CR4 Discussion Thread
Apr 13, 2012 · In 'Transformer Type' inverter, switch mode is partly used to convert the DC voltage to positive and negative square wave. The 'Transformer Type' is good when constant output voltage is required. Ferroresonant transformer maintains constant output with the variation of the DC input voltage over a range.