Turlupins - Wikipedia
The turlupins were a religious sect in medieval France, loosely related to the Beguines and Beghards and the Brethren of the Free Spirit. [1] The name turlupin is a derisive epithet ; they …
The Rascals (1980) - CineAthens.com
Step back in time to late spring 1942, a period marred by the harsh reality of World War II and German occupation in France. In the midst of these turbulent times, The Rascals, originally …
The Rascals (1980) - IMDb
In occupied France during WWII, Catholic students Didier and Bernard go on a date with Marie-Helene, an older girl Didier has no interest in, but Bernard falls for.
流氓 Les turlupins (1980) - 豆瓣电影
流氓 Les turlupins (1980) 导演 : Bernard Revon 编剧 : Didier Bouquet-Nadaud 主演 : Bernard Brieux / Thomas Chabrol / Pascale Rocard / Etienne Draber / Pierre Vial 类型: 喜剧 制片国家/ …
Turlupins - Historical Movements
The Turlupins were a religious sect from medieval France, emerging prominently in the second half of the 14th century. They are often associated with the Beguines, Beghards, and the …
TURLUPINS: A medieval sect akin to the Beghards, like whom they called themselves "the fellowship of poverty." The origin and meaning of the derisive epithet "Turlupins" are obscure.
Les turlupins (1980) - IMDb
Les turlupins: Réalisé par Bernard Revon. Avec Bernard Brieux, Thomas Chabrol, Pascale Rocard, Etienne Draber. In occupied France during WWII, Catholic students Didier and …
Movie search results for "les-turlupins" | AllMovie
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Les turlupins (1980) - IMDb
Les turlupins: Regia di Bernard Revon. Con Bernard Brieux, Thomas Chabrol, Pascale Rocard, Etienne Draber. Nella Francia occupata durante la seconda guerra mondiale, gli studenti …
Le mouvement des Turlupins s'inscrit dans la lignée des courants de pensée dits de "Libre-Esprit" qui essaimèrent en Europe à partir du XIIème siècle. A l'instar d'autres mouvements comme …
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