Siege of Tsingtao - Wikipedia
The siege of Tsingtao (German: Belagerung von Tsingtau; Japanese: 青島の戦い; simplified Chinese: 青岛战役; traditional Chinese: 青島戰役) was the attack on the German port of Qingdao (Tsingtao) from Jiaozhou Bay during World War I by Japan and the United Kingdom.
Qingdao - Wikipedia
For the Germans Qingdao (Tsingtau) was a strategic trade center, port and base for its East Asia Squadron, allowing the German navy to project dominance in the Pacific. [4] In 1914, following the outbreak of World War I , Japan occupied the city and the surrounding province during the Siege of …
Kiautschou Bay Leased Territory - Wikipedia
The impoverished fishing village of Tsingtau was laid out with wide streets, solid housing areas, government buildings, electrification throughout, a sewer system, and a safe drinking water supply, a rarity in large parts of Asia at that time and later.
Qingdao Old Town (Tsingtau; Tsingtao) - That's Qingdao
Mar 12, 2024 · Qingdao Old Town (TsingTau; TsingTao) is located on the western end of ShiNan District starting from ZhongShan Road heading both north to GuanTao Road and east to GuangXi Road towards DaXue Road and Ocean University of China. In the early 20th century Old Town was extended eastward towards LaoShan.
The Siege of Tsingtao - HistoricWings.com
Jan 19, 2021 · Panorama Tsingtau, postcard from c.1910. Tsingtao: A German Enclave. The Germans had ruled Tsingtao since 1898. During that time, they built it from a small village into a stunning city that was well-served by an active harbor. The German treaty, however, had not been kind to the Chinese.
Beiträge zur Geschichte Tsingtaus (Qingdao) – 1897 bis 1953
Es veranlaßte nicht nur den Bau eines modernen Hafens, sondern auch einer ganz neuen Stadt, die den Namen Tsingtau erhielt, und den Bau einer Eisenbahn von Tsingtau nach der Provinzhauptstadt Tsinanfu.
Othmer, Dr. phil. Wilhelm (1882 – 1934), Oberlehrer an DCH - Tsingtau
Othmer hatte am 17.5.1911 in Tsingtau die Krankenschwester Elisabeth Buri, Tochter eines Hoteliers in Donaueschingen, geheiratet. Er war 28, sie 37 Jahre alt. Sie war am 28.3.1874 in Donaueschingen geboren worden.
Tsingtao Accord | The Kaiserreich Wiki | Fandom
The Tsingtao Accord (German: Tsingtau-Abkommen) was the peace agreement that brought about the official end to the Weltkrieg in Asia and as a whole. This white peace was signed on November 6, 1921 between Japan and Germany.
Die Kaiserliche Marine - Das III. Seebataillon in Tsingtau ...
Das Schutzgebiet bestand aus zwei Halbinseln in China. Die nördliche Halbinsel war 462 qkm groß. Hier entstand die Stadt Tsingtau. Die südliche Halbinsel umfasste nur 47 qkm. Zur Hochwassergrenze der dazu gehörigen Bucht gehörten auch …
Tsingtau - historisch-biographisches Projekt
Nov 12, 2022 · Historisch-biographisches Projekt zu den deutschen Verteidigern von Tsingtau 1914 und ihrer Gefangenschaft in Japan 1914-1920