Trisquare Switchgears – Intelligence in Reliability
Welcome to a Trisquare world, A world touched by the Intelligence of our superior technology. A journey built on innovation and imagination. Come and experience the latest technology & …
Our Mission & Vision - Trisquare Switchgears
Trisquare has engineered and constructed many of India‘s largest grid-connected PV power plants. Our experience across the solar value chain reduces risk while delivering more reliable, …
Director´s Statement – Trisquare Switchgears
Trisquare is the fastest growing, professionally managed Electrical Solutions Organisation having a strong foothold in various segments. We are fully equipped to provide authentic solutions for …
33kV ICOG VCB Outdoor Switchboard – Trisquare Switchgears
System Voltage 33 kV; Rated Current: 1250A, 1600A, 2000A 3150A** Rated Frequency: 50 Hz: Short Time Withstand Current: 31.5kA For 3 Second: Degree of Protection
Infrastructure - Trisquare Switchgears
Trisquare at Glance. Knowledge Center; Infrastructure; Certification & Appreciation; Award & Achievements; Milestone & Glimpse of Events; Blog; Contact us
Products & Solutions - Trisquare Switchgears
Trisquare at Glance. Knowledge Center; Infrastructure; Certification & Appreciation; Award & Achievements; Milestone & Glimpse of Events; Blog; Contact us
Contact us - Trisquare Switchgears
4574/15 Padam Chand Marg, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002
Wind – Trisquare Switchgears
Trisquare offers multiple options for the Wind mill farm applications which mainly aims to harvest the energy produced and for maintaining the flow of energy produced by wind mills to the end …
Automotive - Trisquare Switchgears
Particularly in this part, Trisquare provides a wide product range in order to fulfil the requirement of industry-specific needs as per the application and other factors.
11kV VCB Panel Indoor Type (Trolley Mounted Design
Fault Level 18.4kA to 40kA; Rated Voltage: 11kV: Rated Current: 630A to 3150A: Short Time Withstand: 3 Sec: Bus Bar: AI/Cu. Degree of Protection: IP 4x: Applicable Standard