Transwa brings WA closer by providing train and bus services, linking over 240 destinations across Western Australia.
Transwa Bookings
We've made booking your Transwa tickets online as easy as possible, so you can get to where you want to go. Our booking system is fully secure for your peace of mind.
Transwa Coach Timetables
Click to view a full list of Transwa bus timetables. Learn more about Transwa road coach services and where they travel today.
Transwa Train Timetables
Click here for a full list of Transwa train timetables, including route and station information.
Plan your trip - transwa.wa.gov.au
Plan your Western Australian road trip with our Transwa Journey Planner. <iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-KX5JCVM" height="0" width="0" …
Prospector Train
The Transwa Prospector train travels from Perth to Kalgoorlie. Connecting Perth to the Goldfields it stops at Northam, Southern Cross, Koolyanobbing and more.
Australind Train - transwa.wa.gov.au
From 20 November 2023, this service will be operated by Transwa road coaches until mid-2025. More information can be found here. The Australind train travels from Perth Station to Bunbury Passenger Terminal and back.
Contact Transwa
Transwa Contact. Bookings (within Australia) - 1300 662 205. Bookings (International) - + 61 8 9326 2600. Translation and Interpretation - 13 14 50. National Relay Service - 13 36 77 (quote telephone number 1300 662 205) Email: info@transwa.wa.gov.au. Monday to Friday - 7.30am to 5.00pm Saturday - 8.30am to 4.30pm Sunday - 10.00am to 4.00pm
Transwa Fare Calculator
Transwa Fare Calculator Our ticket prices are based on the most direct route between the start and end of your journey. Simply select your preferred departure and arrival locations and our Fare Calculator will show you exactly what your ticket would cost.
Travel free with Transperth and Transregional - transwa.wa.gov.au
Jan 31, 2025 · As a Transwa passenger, you receive free travel across Transperth and Transregional services on the day of your journey. Whether you’re starting or continuing your journey, you’ll receive free travel all the way through!