How did Toronto Mans accent develop or is it manufactured?
Apr 27, 2024 · It is a Toronto accent. It evolved out of high volume immigrant areas (regent park, scarbs, Etobicoke, etc.) and filtered out to Brampton and Mississauga, but it’s definitely a …
The Toronto Accent : r/askTO - Reddit
Nov 10, 2023 · "the Toronto accent" is informed primarily by Caribbean influences but also has influences from elsewhere, notably Somalia. I'm as white as the driven snow and I still drop a …
Is the Toronto accent performative? : r/askTO - Reddit
I don't think the "Toronto accent" (the exaggerated "Toronto mans" accent) actually exists as an accent common to the city at all. To me, it's like most people in Montreal don't eat poutine all …
What's wrong with the Toronto accent? : r/askTO - Reddit
Sep 18, 2022 · She's talking about the Toronto mans accent, but she was somewhat exaggerating (no one says "gwaaning). It'd be like me saying all Jamaicans say "Wah gwan me say …
Toronto Accent : r/Torontology - Reddit
Jun 24, 2024 · West-end people (for the most part) historically have a natural, organic Toronto accent. The east and downtown would be overly aggressive, high-pitched, “nyeah eh” type of …
Toronto Accent and Dialect from the 1980s to mid 2000s : …
It’s called Toronto slang/accent because Toronto is the only place where you’ll hear these words being used in this way. Even Toronto’s dialect has clear differences from London’s dialect. The …
Why is the Toronto accent so unnattractive? : r/Torontology - Reddit
There your standard English in Toronto valley girl accent to fucking high pitch frendly asf the white boy hockey accent 😂,native Canadians bro such much Honest it’s a voice box ting African and …
I was told today I have a thick Toronto accent, do we have a
Dec 16, 2021 · It’s the Toronto local colloquial accent a lot of young people have. Moreso Scarbz, Etobicoke and North York (as well as parts of dt) and in the burbs specifically Brampton. Done …
What a Toronto Accent Sounds Like (skipped to relevant clip)
Mar 25, 2021 · 19 votes, 23 comments. 763K subscribers in the toronto community. News, People, Places, Events, Pictures, and Discussions on Toronto; Canada's…
Toronto Accent question : r/askTO - Reddit
Very common in Toronto accent and other southern Ontario accents. We almost never pronounce the 'T' in the middle of a word, usually replaced by a glottal stop or a softer 'd'. If there's a hard …