Tokarahia - Wikipedia
Tokarahia is a genus of eomysticetid baleen whale from the Late Oligocene (Chattian) of New Zealand. There are two recognized species, T. kauaeroa and T. lophocephalus.
Tokarahia: large filter feeding baleen whales (Eomysticetidae) …
Discovery of Tokarahia kauaeroa has elucidated the skeletal anatomy of transitional baleen whales, expanded the diversity of eomysticetids, and finally revealed the phylogenetic affinities …
Tokarahia | Prehistoric Wiki | Fandom
Tokarahia is an extinct genus of eomysticetid baleen whales that lived in the seas surrounding what is now New Zealand during the Oligocene stage of the Late Paleogene. Tokarahia, like its distant "cousin" genera Basilosaurus and Llanocetus, is a genus that served as an evolutionary...
New Zealand paleontologists find three ancient baleen - Earth …
The researchers’ discovery and description of the Tokarahia kauaeroa and Tokarahia lophocephalus whales helps to fill in an important gap in the history of the evolution of primitive toothed whales into baleen whales.
Tokarahia - Prehistoric Wildlife
Apr 6, 2012 · Never Miss a New Species or Fossil Discovery! Tokarahia is a genus of whale that lived in the waters around New Zealand during the Oligocene.
Researchers identify 3 new fossil whale species of New Zealand
Sep 11, 2015 · The researchers’ discovery and description of the Tokarahia kauaeroa and Tokarahia lophocephalus whales helps to fill in an important gap in the history of the evolution of primitive toothed whales into baleen whales.
Species New to Science: [PaleoMammalogy • 2015] Tokarahia …
Tokarahia kauaeroa gen. et sp. nov. is erected on the basis of a well-preserved subadult to adult skull with mandibles, tympanoperiotics, and cervical and thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum, and forelimbs from the Otekaike Limestone (> 25.2 Mya).
Tokarahia | Animals Wiki | Fandom
Tokarahia is a genus of eomysticetid baleen whale from the Late Oligocene (Chattian) of New Zealand. There are two recognized species, T. kauaeroa and T. lophocephalus.
The Coastal Paleontologist: Digging up eomysticetid whales in two ...
Apr 8, 2023 · Skeletal comparison of the three key specimens of Tokarahia: the holotype of Tokarahia kauaeroa (seen in the excavation photos at the beginning), a referred specimen of Tokarahia lophocephalus from Hakataramea Quarry (this is the specimen with a preserved tooth), and the holotype of Tokarahia lophocephalus - the mandible, earbones, and ...
Eomysticetidae - Wikipedia
Eomysticetidae is a family of extinct mysticetes belonging to Chaeomysticeti (toothless mysticetes). It is one of two families in the basal chaeomysticete clade Eomysticetoidea (the other being Cetotheriopsidae).