meaning - "Changes in" , "Changes of" or "Changes to" - English ...
Aug 13, 2017 · So I will answer pointing out possible "senses" that those prepositions contribute to the sentence when used together with "change". In: shows a state, condition, character, or quality. E.g. change in attitudes. of: implies some sort of "replacement". E.g. change of government. from, to: implies transition / transformation. E.g. a color change ...
"has changed" or "had changed" or "was changed"?
Mar 13, 2019 · This means that there is an implicit agent that caused the entry to change. In other words, someone or something did the changing. i.e. It was "26" before; but something changed it and it is [or it was] "24" now [or then] Let's see if this entry has been changed...
A word/phrase for an unexpected change or turn of events in a …
Mar 14, 2017 · An inflection point is an event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation and can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result.
grammar - When to use "lives" as a plural of life? - English …
By contrast, you completely change the meaning by using the plural in: Our life has been very different. This no longer means “different from each other’s lives”, but implicitly contrasts with someone else’s life (or lives).
Why is "to switch gears" used for "to change topic"?
Oct 18, 2014 · As far as vehicles are concerned, gears are switched to change speed, not direction. Hence, I would rather associate a "switch of gears" with a change in the speed of the presentation. Therefore, expressions such as "to change lanes" or "to change direction" seem to be more appropriate. Does anyone have knowledge about the origin of the phrase?
Origin, meaning, and historical change (if any) of the idiom 'stem …
Jan 17, 2016 · Very nice research, Josh61. I'm surprised that OED and Etymonline are confident that the "hold back the tide" meaning of "stem the tide" was earlier than the "progress against the tide meaning," without offering suitably early examples of the exact phrase as evidence.
When to use & instead of "and" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Dec 26, 2012 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
meaning - How does the "be-" prefix change the words to which it …
May 19, 2011 · What does the be-prefix change when applied to adjectives and verbs? There are many such words that seemed to be coined of this process, for example: behold, beget, befallen, beridden, bedazzled, bedevil, between, befluxed. That's just off the top of my head; I am positive that I've missed plenty more. How does (or did) be-change the "root" of ...
Is English really a non-tonal language?
Nov 7, 2023 · In the first case, changing the tone of a noun may change it from being a definite noun to an indefinite noun, or from singular to plural, or even in theory change its grammatical gender. Similarly, changing the tone of a verb may change its tense or switch it from being first-person to third-person.
Using "of" vs. "on" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jul 28, 2020 · "Change the materials on the customer order" vs. "Change the materials of the customer order" Since the materials is assigned to the customer order, wouldn't "of" be more appropriate, but "on" sounds more correct.