The Arch of Titus’s Menorah Panel in Color
Jan 16, 2025 · Using technology, an international team of scholars has digitally restored a panel from the Arch of Titus to its original color—offering us a glimpse of what ancient Rome looked like.
Arch of Titus - Wikipedia
The Arch of Titus (Italian: Arco di Tito; Latin: Arcus Tītī) is a 1st-century AD honorific arch, [1] located on the Via Sacra, Rome, just to the south-east of the Roman Forum.
Arch of Titus Menorah Relief - Bible History Online
The Arch of Titus. The arch of Titus is the most celebrated as well as the oldest now standing and the smallest of the so-called triumphal arches in Rome. It was erected in summa Sacra via by Domitian, in honor of the deified Titus and in commemoration of his siege of Jerusalem.
Arch of Titus - Yeshiva University
One of the most significant Roman artifacts to have survived, the Arch of Titus has been of continuing significance for both Jews and Christians for nearly two millennia. The image of the seven-branched menorah that appears on the Arch is now a symbol of the State of Israel.
Understanding the Jewish Menorah - Biblical Archaeology Society
Dec 28, 2024 · The arch of Titus Menorah was carved by Domitian his younger brother in 82 ad after his brothers death. The artist clearly took symbols common from Temples in Turkey and such and added the serpents and other idolatrous symbols, maybe on Domitians orders to mock the Jews and make it more Romanish.
What happened to the Temple Menorah? - The Israel Bible
Dec 1, 2021 · The Arch of Titus, constructed in 81 CE by Emperor Domitian to commemorate the victory over the Jewish rebellion in Judaea, stands on the Via Sacra in Rome to this day, bearing witness to the fact that the Romans carried away the golden Menorah from the Second Temple in Jerusalem. The arch contains panels depicting the triumphal procession ...
The Arch of Titus: Last surviving evidence of an ancient religious ...
This triumphal arch commemorates the victories of his deceased brother, Titus, particularly the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD: a pivotal event that marked the suppression of the Jewish revolt and led to the destruction of the Second Temple.
The Menorah as Symbol and Myth - Tablet Magazine
Jul 25, 2017 · For Jews, in particular, during the last two millennia, the past has been prominently, sculpturally, and hauntingly overhead in the Arch of Titus, whose southern relief famously depicts a...
Titus' Arch « Chanukah « Ohr Somayach
Most of us imagine the Menorah with a broad, solid base, like the one that appears in the official seal of the State of Israel. The source for this image is the Arch of Titus, erected around 81 CE to commemorate the Roman triumph over the Jewish insurrection.
Menorah on Arch of Titus in Roman Forum Was Rich Yellow
Jun 24, 2012 · Spectrometry shows that a bas-relief of the menorah looted by Romans from the Second Temple in Jerusalem, on the Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum, was originally a rich yellow.