Tiki Farm - World Famous Mug Makers!
Tiki Farm is the world's largest designer and manufacturer of custom ceramic drink tiki mugs and barware products. The company was founded in 2000 by Holden Westland.
Contact Us - Tiki Farm
Contact Tiki Farm for all your custom drinkware requirements and needs. We've been making custom ceramic drink and bar ware products for 23 years.
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Cap'n Moai by Derek Yaniger – Tiki Farm
Cap’n Moai is the newest in our tenured, heralded “Yaniger Moai” history of mugs! Derek’s take on the classic Moai can be argued as the most singularly-unique in the modern resurgent history of Tiki and as always, they pack a lotta fun!
Newest Items – Tiki Farm
Tiki Farm is the world's largest designer and manufacturer of custom ceramic drink tiki mugs and barware products. The company was founded in 2000 by Holden Westland.
Derek Yaniger's Cap'n Moai World-Premiere - Tiki Farm
· On display will be a full retrospective of every Tiki mug designed for Tiki Farm by Derek Yaniger! · Appetizers, entrees & sides catered by the Tiki Farm crew’s #1 favorite grinds, Chela’s Mexican Kitchen · “DJ Spike Marble” spinning retro Surf, Exotica & Rockabilly!
Gill Gasser & Ghoul Gasser Tiki Mug Set – Tiki Farm
“Ghoul Gasser” and “Gill Gasser” are the newest addition to our legacy of Monster-Shifter mugs, often referred to as our “Gasser” mugs , dating back to the earliest days of Tiki Farm. Ghoul and Gill come screamin’ at ya from the talented likes of the venerable Derek Yaniger!
Octo-Pirate Tiki Mug by Derek Yaniger – Tiki Farm
“Look what’s run aground on the rugged shores off Tiki Farm’s San Clemente, California coastline... HEY KID’S, IT’S OCTO-PIRATE! Designed for us by our longtime partner in Deep Seas-Shenanigans, Derek Yaniger, our tentacled troublemaker is glazed up in our all-new “Seasick Chartreuse” (everything but the chunks baby!)
Custom Decal Projects – Tiki Farm
Should you be looking for a lower quantity than 1,000 mugs, please fill out the form below and our team will reach out to you to discuss customizing our stock designs with the art of your choosing, fully-fired onto the design via our waterslide fired decaling technique. Only select items are available for decal firing.
Custom Decalable Mugs – Tiki Farm
Marqool Tiki Mug Coral. $30.00. Add to Cart. Paradise Beckons by Mookie Sato. $35.00. Add to Cart. Smooth Coconut Mug. $25.00. Add to Cart. Bamboo Mug - Emerald Green. $28.00. ... Get On The Tiki Farm List! First time subscribers enjoy 10% OFF their first order! Subscribe and be the first to hear about what's new on our website! Subscribe.