The Tower of Althalaxx - Quest - Classic World of Warcraft
Collect a Glowing Soul Gem and return it to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra's Post. A level 21 Darkshore Quest. +100 reputation with Darnassus.
The Tower of Althalaxx - Quest - Classic World of Warcraft
Find Balthule Shadowstrike near the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore. A level 18 Darkshore Quest. +50 reputation with Darnassus. Added in Classic World of Warcraft.
The Tower of Althalaxx - Quest - Classic World of Warcraft
Free the trapped Highborne souls in Night Run and Satyrnaar, then return to Delgren the Purifier at Maestra's Post. Part of this quest happens in Ashenvale. The writing of the orcs is little better than the scribblings of a child.
The Tower of Althalaxx quest chain - Wowpedia - Your wiki ...
In Auberdine, Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze asked you to travel north to the Tower of Althalaxx, to check up on Balthule Shadowstrike, an agent she sent to check out the tower. Balthule was late checking in, and Elissa was concerned that he may have run afoul of something.
Tower of Althalaxx - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World ...
The Tower of Althalaxx was one of the major sites of the Alliance quest chain revolving around Athrikus Narassin and repairing the damage he has caused along with the Shadow Council. NPCs [] Please add any available information to this section.
The Tower of Althalaxx - Quests - Turtle WoW Database
Have you acquired that soul gem? Hmm, some dark magic enchants this soulstone. Let's see what's trapped inside, shall we? Upon completion of quests, get:
The Tower of Althalaxx - Quest - Classic wow database
Upon completion of this quest you will gain: As a Hunter you can use your pet to tank him and the voidwalkers he summons, while keeping his succubus in a Freezing Trap. As a Priest you can fear him and his succubus when he starts summoning. Use Power Word: Shield if …